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HTC Mogul / XV6800 / PPC6800 / P4000


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Phone slow responding when dialing from touchscreen


Sep 26, 2007, 12:44 PM
I am considering buying the mogul but I have noticed that when you try and dial from the touch screen it seems a little slow and lags displaying the numbers on the screen versus the Treos touch screen. I have only tried the demo at sprint but curious if it's like that for all of them. Is it WM6? I have a Samsung IP830 with WM5 and it's really quick responding.

Sep 26, 2007, 4:31 PM
If you turn down, or off, the tone that sounds when you press a button, it responds just as fast as you type.

Sep 28, 2007, 2:31 PM
Thanks that seemed to help. Seems strange that sound would make a delay but whatever works.

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