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HTC Mogul / XV6800 / PPC6800 / P4000


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XV6800 is on the Rebate List


Oct 4, 2007, 1:15 PM
You guys are great by the way - in doing my due diligence in purchasing another phone, I've received a wealth of info from this forum and this site. THANK YOU!

I've been shopping for my FIRST PDA phone and have been nervous about what to buy. I have my heart set on this 6800 (although I'm disappointed by the BLUE color).

I've been checking my local Verizon stores and yesterday, when I went to check, the salesperson told me that the 6800 is on their new rebate list (published by Verizon). I confirmed with him that it was NOT the 6700, and he showed me that the 6800 has a $50 rebate. He could not tell me what the release date would be, but expected it would be in the month of October.

Conversely, all the Verizon folks are trying to ...

Oct 5, 2007, 8:44 AM
Thanks for the info.

I personally have been waiting for the 6800 because it is the most advanced CDMA phone with the 3 most important things to me: WM6, touchscreen, wifi.

I can't think of another phone that offers those like the 6800 does.

Oct 5, 2007, 8:06 PM
beeperr said:
Thanks for the info.

I personally have been waiting for the 6800 because it is the most advanced CDMA phone with the 3 most important things to me: WM6, touchscreen, wifi.

I can't think of another phone that offers those like the 6800 does.

How about the Samsung i760? Though, it's also unreleased with an unknown release date. I'm eyeing both of these phones.

Oct 6, 2007, 9:40 AM
I was checking out the Samsung as well. I'm sticking with the Mogul because the keypad is more spacious, the battery is estimated to last longer, the screen seems to be bit bigger (and centered), and the camera is higher in megapixels.

Oct 7, 2007, 7:22 PM
Def like the 2 mps compared to the 1.3. The 6800 will also support Rev A while the Samsung doesn't have the correct processor to update to the faster network!

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