Motorola ROKR Z6m
Contacts Problems
Ok so I've read about "seem edits"
I saw somewhere you can do a seem for "apply as ringtone" on mp3's.
I know someone is going to tell me to use my memory card and copy over to phone then use as ringtone but for some reason (probably the newer software sparko_x_02.0D.0BP) "apply as ringtone" doesn't show up.
http://www.howardforums.com/showpost.php?p=7676457&p ... »
Offset 0075, bit 4 - off, Enables Apply as Ringtone
That's the seem edit I want to try, I can't find anywhere if it's been tried before on the ROKR...
I tried some P2K downloads but they all had trojans, valid software is hard to come by these days.
SOOO... if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. I also h...
"Hot Messages"
turning mp3 into ringtones
Motorokr vulnerability?
If someone could please help that would be great!!!
sorry if this is stupid
my name is alejandra and im 21 years old.
what video format does this phone use
trying to put videos on phone and not sure what format they need to be in and if any one knows a good converter while there at it i would aprciate the help
ROKR Softwared issues
Install Jar Jad files from USB
Text Messaging
I'm using MTS in Canada and was wondering if this is a problem with the Rokr or is it just my phone?
Broken Everything
problems with the motorokr z6m
guy at alltel told me the battery would last 4 days but it barely lasts a day with me (maybe its because i text alot or either he was lying trying to sale it..idk..)
it freezes ALOT and i have to take the battery out for a few minutes and turn it back on
i can't get the music to go on it
its only happened a few times but when i slide it open it has restarted
i know its not th...
Got Rokr Z6m for two weeks now...
I just purchased a 1gb sd card and i added some songs to it.. they show up in my media files under sounds.. but when i go to options it doesn't give me the option to apply as ring tone or anything. nor was i able to apply any of the songs from the card as ring tones by going to edit contact and ring tone.. they just don't show up. i don't know if i need to change a setting as far as the storage device i want to use.. or how to do it, because i can apply tones that are on the phones storage to a contact as a ring tone. i don't know what I'm doing wrong... hopefully something because i would hate it if this is just not possible.. HELP please!!!
They won't exchange me any more rokr's!
Motorola Rokr z6m not charging!
Reset when sliding issue
US Cellular Rokr Z6M & Ringtones Question..
My question is, has anyone figured out how to create ringtones for this phone yet?
I have tried numerous ways and none work yet and I'd really like to create my own.
Any help or info would be great!