LG VX-8550 Chocolate
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sending/emailing pics and rintones???
so has anybody tried to send pics and ringtones to see if you can set them as contacts,alerts,etc....
You can I actually have done this several times on numerous phones. All newer models of course.
just talked to some of my friends who have this phone and they said they tried to email a ringer to the phone and it didnt work??? are you sure yours did????
just talked to some of my friends who have this phone and they said they tried to "EMAIL" a ringer to the phone and it didnt work???
try it as a "pix msg" thats what we all do, always seems to work fine with the new choc handset
funformobile.com Free uploader of ringtones and wallpapers. I have the VX 8550 and it works. 🙂
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