LG VX-8550 Chocolate
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Watching movies on Chocolate II
On my LG 8300 i was able to watch to movies that I converted into 3gp or 3g2 format. I used the IMTOO 3GP converter. I still have the same files on my pc and I assume that the same thing is possible on the choco. but Ive only tried using the VCast music manager software that came with the music kit and its clearly only for audio. If I just load my micro sd card into a usb doo-dad, what file do I need to put my videos in for it to play on my 8550?
anyone have any other tips on this topic?
Aug 20, 2007, 3:00 AM
It will work the same as your 8300.
If you got a new sd card, format it first to create the folders you need "My_Flix" ... to format go to Settings & tools -> Memory -> Card Memory -> Options(right soft key) -> Format -> Enter lock code(last 4 of mtn, unless you changed it)
Then move the 3g2 media files into the "My_Flix" folder
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