LG Dare VX-9700
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LG Dare & Mac OSX Leopard
🙄 I am a mac user; also (due to living in rural mountainous area)verizon is the only game in this little town. I have finally sorted through all verizon phones and have decided that the dare comes closest to meeting my needs and I have played with it and like the interface. The big unknown is mac compatibility. I have spoken to at least a half dozen people who work for verizon (all of whom assure me that they are 100% certain that their answers are correct) who completely contradict each other. The answers range from "it is in no way compatible" to "music, pics, contact list,notes, etc. can easily be shared with mac via micro sd card or bluetooth". Any feedback from those of you mac users with the Dare is appreciated. I'm still pr...
read these two discussions
1) http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t= 1491806&highlight=bitpim+mac
2) http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?mess ageID=6978825
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