Motorola Krave ZN4
Reviews 30
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Krave Owners
Oct 25, 2008, 9:26 AM
How is this phone working out for everyone so fare?? Battery life? Good reception? How is the touch screen?? Details?? 😁
I’m not sure if I like this phone yet, it’s a cool design but I just don’t think it fits my face good when I would be talking on it.
I have had all of the Verizon touchscreen phones this is the best one by far the touch screen is different closer to the iphone.When you use it you barley have to touch it unlike the other touchscreen phones,Reception what can I say it's a Motorola the reception is awesome,and the battery life is very good (i use all the features Vcast as well as the tv)You get 30 days to test drive it some people have complained about the phone they could have been defective or maybe the touch screen is not their style.It does take about 1 week to get use to using the touchscreen.
Oct 27, 2008, 10:09 AM
i have played with one in the store, and dont like it. its just a personal preference. my problem with the touch screen it that i type fast, and sometimes 2 fingers touch the screen at once, and this messes me up. with the dare its pressure, and i find i dont get the errors as much. also the layout of the keys and buttons is a bit different.
however i like the idea of the phone, and the touch clear flip is nice. just needs a bit more work imo
This is a great handset...if you are looking for a great touch screen than nothing is going beat this until of course the Storm blows through 😉 Battery life is better than exceptional and I have noticed I have EVDO service where I didn't before (most recently in the office aka the bathroom in my 118 year old brick and mortar house) Try it out for yourself, you have 30 days!
i love it. i think the reception is great and the call quality is excellent. i returned the motorolla adventure after having 4 of them freeze up on me constantly during my first 30 days. i ended up going with the krave. in my basement my adventure had zero reception at all, with my krave i get 2 bars of reception and can talk clearly on it. texting takes awile to get used to, and i dont think you will ever be able to text quickly on it. but if your looking for a phone with great reception and call quality i think you will love the krave
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