Samsung Eternity SGH-A867
Reviews 70
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My speaker seems to be acting funny. I wasn't sure if it was a warranty thing or not. Basically, I've changed the settings on the phone so that when it rings, it just plays the melody and vibrates. Yet when someone actually calls me, it plays the tone like an increasing melody. If I play the tone in the audio section, it plays normally, and if I go back to settings it still shows that its set to regular melody. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, is there any way to change it? I have individual tones set for each of my friends and family, and its really annoying to have to wait until I can hear the tone to figure out who it is. I know I can look at the screen, but that kind of defeats the purpose of even having tones.
I used to ha...
I believe they are working on this in an update. I have read about it a couple of places, and people are saying that Samsung does know about the issue. Mine does the same thing. I know this isn't to much of an answer. But I figured I would let you know what I know. Look for it in a software update. None has came out yet, but I suspect soon there will be.
Do you need to download it from a computer, or will they send a link via text?
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