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BlackBerry Storm 9530


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Help deciding if a Blackberry is a good idea for me?


Feb 23, 2009, 12:20 PM
I have always wanted a blackberry and thought I knew alot about them. Now, after looking at the Storm, I am more confused than I was. The whole WIFI thing confuses me. I like the ability of being able to access my e-mail when I am out and that was one of the big reasons I wanted a blackberry.

For all of you blackberry users....can you fill me in on what made you decide on owning one? I want it mostly for personal use.

Feb 23, 2009, 2:22 PM
nope go palm or windows cause your too dumb for this great product 🤭 .... just kidding wifi is what you get when you go to the coffee shops and you can hook your laptop on to the service. most of the time if you are using this it is unsecure and people can hack your info. the one thing that blackberry has over the other 2 OS's is they are a Juggernaut when it comes to emails. as far as owning one they are pretty simple and easy to use. but don't take my opinion head to a verizon dealer and tink with one see if it is what you like, cause pretty much all the OS are good just which one is right for you.

Feb 23, 2009, 4:10 PM
Just ordered my Storm this morning. Was on the fence for a long time, but finally pulled the trigger. Looking forward to exploring all it can soon.
Vox Dei

Feb 23, 2009, 4:22 PM
When you get a Blackberry you get a data packed. This includes getting your emails over the cell towers. Blackberry's are very good at this. Your blackberry connects to the internet via the EV-DO netowrk of your cell phone provider (mostly likely Verizon).

Some phones can also use a different internet connection called WiFi which is the network your laptop uses to connect to your home ISP. The only thing this is usefull for is if your in another country and want to check your email from your hotel's WiFi connect so you don't get data roaming charges. I believe all blackberry plans come with unlimited email while you are in country.

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