Palm Pre (CDMA)
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Palm Pre vs. Touch Pro 2
I need help deciding which of these phones to buy. I like the Pre but the Touch Pro 2 is very nice as well. I know the headache that some people have run in to with Windows Mobile phones and that scares me a bit. I also have heard the negatives about the Pre which don't scare me nearly as much. Which would you guys go with?
I currently have a windows mobile device which i really like because its very customisable. you can made it do just about anything including looking a operating like a iphone. You can have multi web browers including skyfire which is the only one with flash. I will be getting the pre an i will miss my WM. I read the manual for the pre and it looks real promissing even if its missing two basic functions. In short go for the Pre
What are the 2 basic functions that the Pre is missing?
You can do 15+ things at once with the Pre and it'll have tons of APPS made specifically for it; unline WINMO phones that 1/2 dont work right etc. The PRE will just be an all around better phone.
I really like the hardware of the touch pro 2 but I have heard about the weak winmo programs. Even if there area a lot if they dont work whats the point. I mean that Touch pro 2 is beautiful but if its on a weak OS whats the point? Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Jun 2, 2009, 5:23 AM
are you talking about the Touch Pro 2 or the Pre?
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