BlackBerry Storm2 9550
OS 6 On The Storm2?
http://crackberry.com/new-official-blackberry-6-teas ... »
With over 150 comments, (Many differing opinions), I still do not believe this OS will be offered by RIM for this device, nor will it appear on the Storm3. The "word out" is that device will have its own OS, specifically designed for the touch screen Storm. A sneak peak UTube Video today, shows a proliferation of social site improvements if thats your thing. Great if your a Messenger fan, FaceBook, My Space etc.
If not, I don't see the big deal with this OS. Besides, 256Mb on the current device more likely will not "cut the cake." A good source from RIM advised me that OS 6 ...
The question is even if it runs on the S2, would we be happy with it? Lack of memory may make this a repeat of what the S1 suffered from. Unless they come out with an OS6light version, it's probably going to work best on units with better memory.
I'd like to see another OS optimized for touch screen phones. I don't think this will be on S3.
Lack of memory was a major issue in the original Storm. I opened with under 35Mbs, and the phone, lagged, did not respond, and due to the burden and lack of RAM, performed terribly.
RIM will upgrade to a new OS for the Storm2. It will, however, be designed with a specific considerations, accounting for the limitations and nature of the device. As for a light ve...
Refresh? WTH? I am thinking Storm 2 is not going to run OS6. 2,5 will? 🤣
They'll move up the Mega Pixels and will shoot the memory to 512, but there will not be "this defining" device for the Storm3 that will set a touch screen standard resulting in an exodus of Iphone and Android owners flocking to the BB Nation. I question whether I would abandon the 2 for those minute improvements. Even the 6.0 OS is directed towards social messaging (which I do not use my phone for), and perhaps video streaming. I use my Storm2 for business communication.....emails, massaging to employees and clients, web info (news, weather, sports), and productivity. I'm not i...
Not quite enough for me to upgrade if this is all there is in Nov/Dec. LTE is really what I am excited about. 🤤
I'll have to see how this plays out 😕
Not worth it! The reactivation codes, hours of re-configuration....for what? More Japanese language improvements?
Short of LTE, I'll pass, even on a refreshed device with a 5mp camera and the 512Mb. I still open with 93Mb and have a mountain of apps installed. The tease will come in November. These devices don't even go a year before RIM sets them up for the scrap heap! And the new "big improvement" device?... Ha! That will become obsolescent...
256mb won't cut it
http://crackberry.com/did-verizon-halt-blackberry-6- ... »
I have a different take on the matter. The Storm2 was designed for the 5.0 OS. If one were to manage all parameters within that arena, there is nothing really to complain about. It works pretty good, and depending on how creative you are, the unit can be pristine.. Sure a couple of updates produced this & that. However, the bottom line... for its design it was a major improvement over the original, which, with 4.7, was a supreme example of crapware at the lowest level. So, we went out and purchased the better ...
The latest and greatest quickly becomes the old and obsolete in the phone world...such is life.
RIM is typically better than others about giving its older devices updates. Most manufacturers forget about updates.
The funny part about all this is all the complaining some people did about RIM being behind with an outdated OS. Now we get a decent update and the complaining still continues...just about something else 🤣