Reviews 100+
So how long are we expecting battery life to be?
10 minutes? Maybe if you shut off the 4G and dim the backlit screen you could keep it going long enough to switch your car insurance to Geico.
Why is nobody talking about this? HTC Incredible is lucky to last a whole day, and it has a considerably smaller AMOLED screen that, pixel pixel, requires a lot less power than the backlit TFT screen on the EVO. Then you have the 4G radio to power, oh, and also the 3G radio,too. And then the power-wasting Sense UI.
This phone is tempting, but the more I think of it the more it seems just a over-packed feature hog that does everything, but nothing well, or for very long.
Sooo disappointed the CDMA N1 is cancelled.
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Mark your Calendars!!!
It's official folks!! The long awaited EVO is scheduled to be released on June 4th. It retails at $449.99 and for new activations/upgrades it will be $299.99 before the $100 MIR.
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JUNE 4TH......Welcome EVO into my family
199 is not bad
Sprint Announcement Wednesday??
I read that CEO Dan Hesse will be at an "Invite Only" meeting in New York on Wednesday. Anyone think that this will be the release date announcement and pricing info we have been waiting for?
1 reply
HTC EVO 4G release postponed
It is with much regret that YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED! MADE YA LOOK!!
Love you, mean it!
7 replies
Streaming Video Realtime?
Does this mean you can have a call with someone and share a video of you talking...such as video conference?
1 reply
The EVO to hit stores soon....
internet and talk
😁 will we be able to talk and be on the internet at the same time like the iphone
4 replies
Mar 26, 2010, 8:37 AM
phone and internet
will this phone be able to access internet, text & instant messaging while on a phone call the way an iPhone can?
3 replies
WinMo 7 vs. Android 2.2
So far I love everything about the EVO and since my birthday and Father's Day are in the proximity of it's release, I think I'd love to let my wife and kids know about this. But is there any reason that I should just hold out and wait to see what Microsoft have up their sleeves with Windows Mobile 7? Or follow my gut and go with the EVO? Do you think by October (WinMo 7 release) Microsoft will have fallen too far behind the game? What do you guys think?
2 replies
Can you use this phone as a modem (i.e. tethering, MiFi)?
I would like to know if I can turn this phone into a Wi-Fi (Mi-Fi?) hotspot like you can with the Sprint Overdrive. I have a couple of devices I'd like to tether it to, if possible.
8 replies
Does anyone know what the price will be for this phone if you sign up for a 2 year contract?
14 replies
A total beast
Just pointing out that the Evo is gonna be a beast!! This phone crushes the iPhone in every other aspect other than internal memory and apps, not to mention being on Sprint's 4G network. So while all you iPhone lovers are overpaying for service and a bunch of apps, I'll be spending $69.99 on an awesome phone. It's really good to see how Sprint finally came through this time! Let's get this beast on the market!
Market it!
I just hope Sprints marktes this correctly because this is a game changer. 😁
3 replies
Will this device require a special plan?
1 reply
The Big Question still remains
Can sprint market this thing so the masses flock to it??? probably not the continuation of NOT adding subs is on their horizon. I think they should just stick to pimping Boost because their goose is cooked. Cool ass phone but sprint will mess it up like they always do.
11 replies
Im a serious Gamer ( as oppposed to a comical one) Now the Evo will be able to mifi 8 devices on the 4G network but what type of gaming is it capable of running. Can anyone share a link of the 4G capabilities or something of that nature? Would appreciate it.
Ummm....hello Sprint?
I've been following the forums on several different websites, including Sprint's own forums...and everywhere the rumor is that April 16th was the debut for this phone. WHERE IS THIS DEBUT???!! I haven't seen anything in regards to the EVO's release date, price and plan required. Does anyone have an update on this? This is so frustrating that Sprint is doing nothing after Verizon just released the Incredible yesterday. WAKE UP SPRINT!!!
10 replies
hot spot charge/calendar
Do you think sprint will charge for hot spot? that kind of sucks since it's built into the phone already.
Also, I can only hope and pray that the calendar was overhauled to resemble the best calendar available: blackberry.
BB calendars are by far, the best. I had to return my HTC Hero for the sole reason that the calendar app was sub-par.
1RTT support?
Will it support 1x as well for those of us that travel into non 3g/ 4g areas?
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