Motorola Droid X
Not pleased with FROYO 2.2
1. When using the general search (google), on 2.1 you would get a listing olf local items (ie contacts, applications) as well as web findings, Now using google search(all) only renders web findings. You can switch to find contacts, apps, etc...however each time you do a new search you default back to google (all) which only finds web sites...no real way of doing a thorough search of all relevant information a...
My Droid X doesn't seem any faster and my battery doesn't seem to last any longer. I too think the color changes are blah and there is twice as much lag when accessing the voice commands.
This was supposed to be an upgrade, right? 😕
Probably won't help much with the search stuff, though. I rarely used it, so never noticed...
for #5, at least on my OG Droid, the 2.2 Calendar does still show the colored bar, but it only shows it for events that have a time. All day events are not shown with a bar, but they ARE bolded (it takes some time to get used to it, at least it did me..., but it makes it clear what's an all dar event (such as a birthday or anniversary, or holiday imported from the US Holidays calendar) and an actual event with a time (such as the birthday party itself, or an appointment.). To be honest, since I discovered the Pure calendar widget, I have hardly used the calendar app.
For #6, if you get Beautiful Widgets, there...
Searching has become arduous and buggy. Even when finding a contact through search, once clicking on the contact name, the unit goes to the entire contact list as opposed to the individual's contact info.
If doing a search (Google:ALL), and there are multiple contacts with the same name, only one contact is shown.
I do recall when I first got my droid that it would do that, and I thought it was cool, in a "that's a nice feature if you need it" sort of way, but I have never used it that way. When I need to search my contacts, I go into contacts, then menu|search. You can also reduce the number of contacts displayed by using the Display options to only show certain groups of contacts, thus reducing the need to search, at the cost of a few extra taps when changing group...