Motorola Droid X
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Gallery not loading.
Hey fellow Droid X users. I recently noticed a problem with my Droid X. When I go to my apps drawer and try to look at my gallery by obviously tapping the gallery icon my Droid X tries to load it but then backs up to the apps drawer and then to my home screen. Does anyone else have this problem. I noticed the problem after I downloaded the last software update not too long ago. I am also using LauncherPro Plus but have uninstalled it and reinstalled it to see if that was the problem and it wasn't. I need help! I don't want to have to take it into Verizon. Any info is greatly appreciated.
I have an issue with accessing my gallery from the app drawer ever since the update as well. The only way I can access it is to pull up my camera and get to the gallery that way.
I am having the same problem since the last update. I have brought my phone back to factory settings at least 8 times now thinking it was an app that was causing the problem. Intitially it's fine but within a few days the gallery is inaccessible again. I found an app in the marketplace called gallery++ and that's the only way I can get to pictures other than through the camera. Verizon acts like its the first they've heard of it when I call.
Apr 25, 2011, 6:27 PM
well speaking from a tech support standpoint i work for sprint not vzw theyll have you do a factory data and if that doesnt work replace it theres not much they can do over a "core system app" and app thats a part of the phone the update probably messed it up unless you guys wanna port over another gallery from another phone or install a 3rd party app get a replacement
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