Palm Treo 600 (CDMA)
data connection on VZW
i've heard that sometimes the 600 doesn't do a good job of disconnecting from a data session....does anyone know about this?
i'm debating whether to get the full $40 data rip off...and was wondering if anyone has had problems disconnecting from a data call and therefore missed a regular call or gotten a hefty bill from verizon inadvertently.
also, can someone point out which application would be best for accessing hotmail and gmail on the 600? my understanding is that snappermail will only work with gmail and i would prefer not to use the web broswer to access hotmail.
is that right?
to close the connection, you to into web, hit menu --> options --> disconnect.
as for receiving a call, as long as the data connection is dormant, meaning no data is being trasferred, but the connection is still open, then you will be able to make and r...