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Audiovox CDM-9900


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9900 Versus 8000


Jun 13, 2004, 5:34 PM
Master Dominique you conveniently left out a few issues in your comparison and are off base on others:

1. TRI-MODE vs. dual-mode! That is a VERY important feature and I cannot believe that LG does not pick up on that. They cannot seem to build a tri-mode handset. The fact that the 8000 lacks this critical capability eliminates it from consideration before it even leaves the starting gate. I would never buy a dual- mode phone on a tri-mode network.

2. The 9000 has more than triple the standby time of the 8000 (380 hrs vs. 110 hours).

3. I think the 9900 is more stylish and sleek than the 8000. We have a major difference of opinion here. I think the 8000 looks very boxy and square.

4. I owned a Audiovox 9000 in the past and to thi...

Jun 13, 2004, 6:40 PM
It still blows my mind how some people are still hung up about analog service. Analog is just about non-existent throughout the U.S. The only areas where it is still analog are like parts of northern louisiana, parts of vermont, some parts of montana (maybe)....they network is basically digital. Every major city...digital. Every local suburb...digital. All major/minor highways...digital. I can't even remember the last time my phone went to analog!!!
I heard (rumor) this was the rankings of phones that Verizon Wireless has sold in the last year...based on quantity.

1. LG
2. Audiovox
3. Samsung
4. Motorola
5. Kyocera
6. Nokia

I think the this ranking speaks for itself...on who makes the best phones and what companies Ve...

Jun 13, 2004, 7:41 PM
buzzkid said:
It still blows my mind how some people are still hung up about analog service. Analog is just about non-existent throughout the U.S. The only areas where it is still analog are like parts of northern louisiana, parts of vermont, some parts of montana (maybe)....they network is basically digital. Every major city...digital. Every local suburb...digital. All major/minor highways...digital. I can't even remember the last time my phone went to analog!!!
I heard (rumor) this was the rankings of phones that Verizon Wireless has sold in the last year...based on quantity.

1. LG
2. Audiovox
3. Samsung
4. Motorola
5. Kyocera
6. Nokia

I think the this ranking speaks for itself...on who makes the

Jun 13, 2004, 9:29 PM
floridaphoto said:
buzzkid said:
It still blows my mind how some people are still hung up about analog service. Analog is just about non-existent throughout the U.S. The only areas where it is still analog are like parts of northern louisiana, parts of vermont, some parts of montana (maybe)....they network is basically digital. Every major city...digital. Every local suburb...digital. All major/minor highways...digital. I can't even remember the last time my phone went to analog!!!
I heard (rumor) this was the rankings of phones that Verizon Wireless has sold in the last year...based on quantity.

1. LG
2. Audiovox
3. Samsung
4. Motorola
5. Kyocera
6. Nokia

I think the this ranki

Jun 13, 2004, 7:13 PM
i hear theres no mp3 for the 9900 but does that mean no mp3 player or it cannot support mp3 files for ringtones...because i could care less about it being an mp3 player but it would be cool to use mp3 files for ringers
Master Dominique

Jun 14, 2004, 1:40 PM
floridaphoto said:
Master Dominique you conveniently left out a few issues in your comparison and are off base on others:

1. TRI-MODE vs. dual-mode! That is a VERY important feature and I cannot believe that LG does not pick up on that. They cannot seem to build a tri-mode handset. The fact that the 8000 lacks this critical capability eliminates it from consideration before it even leaves the starting gate. I would never buy a dual- mode phone on a tri-mode network.

2. The 9000 has more than triple the standby time of the 8000 (380 hrs vs. 110 hours).

3. I think the 9900 is more stylish and sleek than the 8000. We have a major difference of opinion here. I think the 8000 looks very boxy and square.

4. I owned

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