Motorola V710
Settlement question? Replacing with E815?
I didn't look at this site for a long time, so I have no idea what the deal is with the v710 settlement. I bought my phone from costco in June (2005). I am upset at the camera quality and bluetooth stuff. Am I eligible for a settlement with verizon? Will I get paid back in full (even if I got a $50 rebate- so the price was $90 in the end)? What are the terms for the settlement? If I'm not eligible, is there any way I can get my phone replaced with an E815 for free? Perhaps I can call verizon or motorolla and say this phone is giving me problems and I want the E815 in repla...
coolremo said:
I bought my phone from costco in June (2005). I am upset at the camera quality and bluetooth stuff. Am I eligible for a settlement with verizon? /b2c/footer/legalNotices/v710.jsp
The class to whom this notice is being sent consists of all present and former customers of Verizon Wireless who activated Verizon Wireless cellular service for a Motorola V710 cellular handset on or before January 31, 2005.
coolremo said:...
Will I get paid back in full (even if I got a $50 rebate- so the price was $90 in the end)? What are the terms for the settlement? If I'm not eligible, is there any way I can get my phone replaced