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Black version of VX7000?


Nov 10, 2004, 1:07 AM
I know, I'm not supposed to use this forum for VX7000 referrals but I did. I'm sorry for that; I just got so used to this specific forum that I automatically come in here. 😁
But anyway, has anyone else seen the black version of VX7000? I have, and I was quite surprised to find it since I haven't heard anything about it. 🙄
The color is really a mixture of grey & black to be exact.


Nov 10, 2004, 7:31 AM
Yes, its actually been out a little while now.. It is supposed to have the updated software to fix the 2 second delay for the answer-on-open feature. Also, I have not inspected it directly, but someone @ HowardForums says the charging port for the BK is different. There were other minor adjustments to the software as well that I can't recall at the moment, but the same software is avaiulable for the blue vx7000s as well.

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