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LG VX-6100


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Software/firmwate update works well


Jan 8, 2005, 3:42 PM
Got the software update Thurs 1/6 in San Diego, CA area. They put your phone on their update computer which downloads everything on your phone on their hard drive, then your phone is initialized (everything erased, then new software/firmware is loaded, then your data/preferences put back on. I was told it would take 30 minutes and it finished in a few minutes less than that. All went flawlessly and all my preferences were saved. Not all locations have update yet - call ahead.

Things I'm sure it fixed or improved: Completely fixed volume bug, and improved sound fidelity and volume in general - especially in speakerphone mode (my was already good before just not as good as the model 4500 I had before - now on a par with that). Overall ...

Jan 9, 2005, 8:15 PM
As a new cell phone user who just had two 6100's updated to S/W Ver. 02, I'm curious whether these software updates are a common occurence, or an infrequent thing that usually take place shortly after the phone goes on the market. Should I be monitoring this forum for the next 6100 update, or is it unlikely there will be another one for quite some time, if ever.

Jan 11, 2005, 6:24 PM
There can be anywhere frm zero (unlikely) to six or more based upon the phone. I'd keep monitoring 😎

Jan 14, 2005, 6:18 PM
How is the camera and general ease of funtionality?

Jan 18, 2005, 8:32 PM
I will agree that the volume bug is fixed, but one thing that I've noticed in the couple of days since I've had the software fix is that there is now excessive battery drainage, something that I seem to be plagued with on Verizon handsets.

The speakerphone does seem to fully duplex now, but is still not loud enough compared to highway noise in the car. If I know I'm going to need the speakerphone, I still use my Motorola i730 from Nextel (company phone), so that I know I will hear the call, which brings me to my next point is I've never seen so many dropped calls for a Verizon phone, in Connecticut, the Nextel phone drops calls less than the LG.

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