Samsung SGH-P735 / SGH-P730
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MP3 Player
How many songs would you be able to put into the phone?
The phone itself will hold about 4 songs. The 32mb rs-mmc card included with the phone will hold only 3, as the card is formatted by the phone automatically, and has an alloted amount of space for audio, video, and still pictures. However, if you purchase a larger rs-mmc card, and I have seen 512mb ones online in the states, you could potentially hold many many more. I have heard of 1gb cards on the horizon, but I'm not sure if the phone supports that much memory. One note: you can't combine the phone and card memory and create one "playlist" with say 7 songs. You must chose between the two memories. Another note: the mp3 player is very basic. You don't have shuffle features, or a eq. However, the songs do sound quite good thru the e...
It said this phone can record up to 1 hr. ow can you do that? is it based on the memory? how do you set it up?
Yes, this is possible. There are two modes for movie taking, one called "save only" and the other "MMS." If you record in mms mode, it is limited to 15 seconds, as this is the mode to send the movie in a message. Save only mode allows movies limited only by available memory. I took one of my nephews the other say and it was about 38 minutes long 🙂
what do i need so that i can get the songs on the card. (32MB) and how much is it. Were can i get a 512 mb card that wont stick out of the phone all the ones i see stick out of the phone. but mainly how and what do i need for the mp3 player and were do i buy them at.
Mar 15, 2005, 4:03 AM can get the card on ebay, type this in the search: TOPRAM 512MB RS MMC RSMMC. 😁
u can use a mmc writer/reader to add files to your mmc then copy to phone memory and can store about 11 songs 3 mins lenght (mp3 format 128kbps).
were can i get the reader an writer at, and how much for them . I am going to get the 512 mb card for sure but all the ones i have seen are not as small as the 32mb they give you. the 32 mb they give you breaks in half for you but were can i get the same card that size? from what store because i dont like to buy things online.
You've got to get a 'reduced size' or 'mini' SD card.
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