Danger Hiptop 2 / Sidekick II
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if you know any rumors or info about if t-mobile is gona make a sidekick for like verizon then please let me know, cuz im dying to get a sidekick but its hella expensive to cancel my contract
Let's get this straight. T-Mobile does NOT make the Sidekick, DANGER does. T-Mobile just re-brands and sells the HIPTOP as the Sidekick. Plus, Verizon will not be getting this phone, since the Sidekick is a GSM phone that uses a SIM card. Verizon, and Sprint use CDMA technology. Nextel uses iDEN technology.
you probably already know about it but check out the lg 9800.
Can anyone here compare the 2? My family has plans with VZW and TMO, so I could go with either.
Has anyone here used both phones? How do they compare? What about service plans?
I have veriozn and I have used both...If it's a headturner you want...Than I would go with either one...I mean the sidekick has the swivel screen and it's great...But The V has alot more features...The V is known to be heavy BUT the Sidekick is hevaier...So I'd go with the V
verizon DOES NOT have unlimited TXT message and that is basically the BIGGEST reason to get a sidekick or a 9800
with Verizon you get charged a txt message for every outgoing AIM/YAHOO/MSN message and every incomming
there biggest plan is 2500 for 19.99 I wouod use that in 3 days lol
I have a sidekick AND a Motorola 815 .. the sidekick has no phone plan .. TMobile sux in my area ne way
if verizon did have a unlimited txt package i might be inclined to look deeper into it but I LOVE my kick and ive hd all three versions
actually u are wrong with the side having no phone plan. u can have a plan with the sk2 but to get hte sk unlimited option, u would have to pay $20 extra on the account to get the unlimited data and text.
For Smart access u cant have more than the SA 300 with the sk2.
for regular account u can have anyplan but u must have the option to have the sk2 to the fullest
Ok well do you think that Cingular will offer the phone?
Nope...There's no way tmobile will let hiptop go to another service with this phone...I mean it's like the only reason people have tmobile.
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