Danger Hiptop 2 / Sidekick II
New unit, existing sign in issues? help
september fools
Just got mine!!!!
http://www.foncentral.com/plan.asp?hostdomain=http:/ ... »...
Buy A Sidekick this week.. I have some questions!
First, I plan to get the protection plan on the phone or whatever but i also plan to have it studded by NYC Peach Company. Will this infringe on my warrantee of the phone or of the service plan. And if my sidekick all of a sudden ****s the bed.. and needs to be replaced? I don't want to have wasted the 400 on the studding but that might just have to be the chance i take huh?
and also did many of you have problems when you fist bought it and then had to send it back to them? I'm not looking for a headache, I'm just looking for a fun phone that i can go on AIM and the Internet with and make all my calls and keep track of all my stuff.
Thanks so much!!
A Button problem! Please HELP!
Unlocking a sidekick 2
select "settings"
go down to "about sidekick"
and now u should see copyright info..
now click and hold the "3 lines" button + shift + 8
then a snowbored game should come on..
to move the person press in on the scroll wheel.
u have to hold it down to determine how high u want to go up or release to show how low you wanna go down... any one need help.. jsut reply
I wanna know some stuff about the Sidekick 2
T-MOBILE (Sidekick II)
The phone itself is WAY too big to put up to your hear, everyone around you thinks your holding up some chunk of plastic!
I got rid of this phone after havinmg it for 5 months...
text messaging.....
S!dek!ck II .:vs:. Motor a630
Anybody Know If It Syncs With macintosh apps?
hotmail on sidekick 2
just returned mines...
unlocked sidekick 2 on cingular need to change frequency