Nokia 6682 / 6681
Built in IM Client
Maxinote is a pretty good alternative for text messaging... wish it could interface with other aps, email, IM, that require text input.
Thanks for the heads up, Icy
I just went back in, it remebers your userid and password!!!! Forget what I was uing on my 6620, but had to type my userid and passwrod every time. A real pain. I was thinking I was going to have to create another, shorter, Yahoo id to use on my phone.
AND... with the fun, speed, on the net with this phone. I just may have to go with an unlimited MediaNet package *sigh* My phone bill is going to cost me more than my cable TV/broadband *lol*
Nice of good ole Cingular to give you unlimited usage for the first 30 days...
to spoil you and rope you in! *lol*
I won't EVER give up that package, unless they make something better, which I highly doubt.
What are the server settings that need to be entered?
On my phone, I go to the main menu, then MY OWN, then IM.
When I do this I am required to define a server, and here it asks me to enter the following info:
Server Name
Access point in use
Web address
User ID
Simply selecting MediaNet for the access point does not configure the rest of the settings.
"If you mean the built-in Instant Messaging, then you need to find a OMA IM (Open Mobile Alliance) a.k.a. "Wireless Village" compatible instant messaging provider. The built-in IM does not work with anything else.
If you, on the other hand, mean an installable instant messaging client app, such as AgileMessenger, IM+ or others, then make sure you have the GPRS Internet Access Point settings (not WAP) from your operator, and have configured the app to use the Internet Access Point. Make also sure you have a subscription/plan that allows you to use the Internet Access Point."
Looks like the built in IM program isnt very useful.
When you go into IM, doesn't it bring up AIM, MSN Yahoo to chose from ?
Otherwise, look at page 75 of the User Guide. Describes setting up chat server settings.
Maybe try AIM for the server name, Access point, MediaNet, find out the web address for AIM (maybe you can get it by calling AOL. I didn't a quick googe and didn't find it)... your AIM userid and password.