Nokia 6230i
Nokia 6230i sucks
1) OS is not applicable in this phone which means it cannot install programs on top of its platform.
2) the picture viewer doesnt support other formats or it cant even play other videos (i.e. taken from a 7650 models)
3)ptt feature is not working here in the philippines or in other countries.
4)original package doesnt include the usb cable which cost a lot.
5)surfing the gprs doesnt display correctly since the phones display is still not supported.
the lord of terror
Just because you are too cheap to buy the USB cable doesn't make the phone any less crappy but it just means that it is one more thing you get to b*tch about.
And last, why the hell would you wanna install anything over the phones OS?
Maybe you aren't meant to use sophisticated and advanced technology. Go back to playing with your Lego's.