Samsung SCH-A970
Reviews 39
Best Buy INFO
Ok, here's the deal with Best Buy....
If you go to the phone is not listed on the website. It is, however, in the weekly sales paper on page 25 (which you can view on the website). Oddly enough, there is no model number. The add does not even describe it as a cellphone! It simply says "Samsung 2-Megapixel Digital Camcorder". I called 888-BESTBUY and they looked up the item number. It will NOT be listed on until 10/18/05. Some stores do have it now though. I called the store in my area and it took them 30 minutes to find their new phones that just arrived. They told me all stores only received 4 of these cell phones to start off with. The cost is $299 with a 2 year contract (Verizon), $399 with a 1 yea...
1 reply
voice to text???
does this phone have voice to text, something on phone scoop about the text part??
Best Buy Only
You guys are correct about seeing it at Best Buy already. I work there in the cell phone area. They have some kind of contract or deal that they are the only "retail store" that will have the phone until like october.
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title says it all
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Can anyone that has this phone comment on the interal memory size?
Camcorder resolution
To anyone who has this phone already or has reliable insider information about it: what is the highest resolution you can record on the camcorder? I'm hoping that it's 320 x 240.
Aug 30, 2005, 12:39 PM
Anywhere to actually buy this phone online? (Retail Price)
Obviously not every Best Buy has this phone available yet; so has anyone been able to find this phone available for ordering online (Besides the occasional one offered on Ebay)?
7 replies
had mine for three days now!!!!!!
this phone does kick ass but the screen is a little smaller then the moto.the mp3s work good but the camera has a delay still this is alot better then I first thought. even with those cons I think that this is the best phone vzw will carry so im happy with it and you will be too!! 😁
4 replies
WANT ONE??? I got one on ebay
Hey there guys... I got one of these phones on ebay... Search Samsung 970... Great price!! New activation price for this phone at bestbuys are 350... I have starting bids at 350, and buy it now for 475... It's a great price, and only a day and 22 hours left... Also if bought before Midnight Central time tonight, I will go to the post office tomorrow and put it on the fastest shipping possible if payment is sent through paypal by tomorrow.... Get it now! I won one of these for a contest at my store and now i'm selling it off... Downside is no Box but not stolen or anything like that no worries... Hit me up and email me at or feel free and IM me when i'm on tonight around 10, or 1030ish... I want to get this off my hands...
Phone at BestBuy Fairfax VA
When I was at BestBuy today I seen it on display for 350.00 with a two year contract
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Is the A970 VCAST enabled?
I have not seen anywhere, or heard anyone talk about the possibility of VCAST on this phone. I am due for a new phone in Oct. and I would definitely get this one if it had VCAST! Otherwise I will go to the 8100. Does anyone know or has anyone heard anything regarding this phone using VCAST?
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is there a chance this could go to sprint instead of verizon (which it says verizon (tentative))
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Is this phone not so popular anymore?
I have and love the 8100, but am always checking out the new phones when they come out and have been scoping out this forum. Doesn't look like anyone is talking much about it anymore. Is it not going to be so great afterall that everyone has given up talking about it or what?
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Just got back from a Samsung class
Just found out that this phone can take up a 1 hour video and if you get a moemory card you will be able to take up to a four hour video.
Sep 15, 2005, 4:45 PM
How long to send a 2.1 Mega Pixel Picture?
I'd love to have that kind resolution so that I can save pictures. But does it take forever to send them to people?
I won't say where I work, but a nice Samsung rep sat next to me at our reception area in our corporate office yesterday... She was playing with this phone before a presentation to our buyers. It had the Sprint label on the front, so it was the a-940. I had a few minutes to play with it before she left. I have to say that this thing is huge! I understand the space requirements for an optical lens, but not at this size. The screen is quite nice though. The firmware was a pre-release version, so not all the icons worked, but it seemed a little slow on response time. If they don't hobble the bluetooth, this could be a nice phone.
2 replies
970 Holster Issues and more
There are no good options for carrying this thing..
It has no antenna which means no strap to secure it.. This sucks..
The Battery lasted quite a long time today and still going..
The Camera is mediocre at best - I think the 670 takes better pics..
The worst is the connector does not work with anything. I went to the verizon store and they tried to download the phone when they realized that the connector does not fit and they had to really pull hard to get it out..
So we have to wait for new cords and chargers etc..
8 replies
Video Length?
Is the video limited only by the amount of memory in the phone whether it be Transflash Card or internal? Thanx
1 reply
Dual Mode or Tri Band?
Do we know if this will be a dual or tri? Does verizon have any Tri bands coming out?
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Alright i know a lot of people are likeing the idea of the internal antenna. but from what i know a big problem with the lg8100 is that it does not have an extendable antenna which causes it to not get as good of a signal as say something like the moto 815 that has an extendable. so if this one has an internal antenna wouldnt it struggle to keep a call if you are in a weak, questionable area??? if anyone has any ideas just let me know.
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