Sony Ericsson Z520 / Z525
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Will become available this week
I have a friend that work's at Cingular's headquarters and is pretty high up in the organization (works in analysis and sales). He told me last night that the z520a should be available in stores either on 7 or 9 November.
Cool, this is probably the best phone Cingular has to offer. 🙂 Dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
I spoke with my Cingular source again last night and he said that the release date has been pushed back to Nov. 16th because SE was late in delivering the phones to them.
Did your Cingular source give you an idea of the initial price of this phone? They are currently offering a $30 rebate until November 19th. The current rebate is not as good as the $50 rebate that ran until November 6th.
He didn't. I have been assuming (based on [where the phone is now available] and Amazon [it's there too]) that the phone will probably go for $99 at a Cingular store with a 2-year contract.
But I have no facts to confirm this.
Amazon will actually PAY you to get this phone right now--provided you are signing up for new service.
Nov 10, 2005, 2:32 PM
Is that for everywhere? I called last week, and they said it's probably going to come out in December?
I have mainly been talking with him about the phone being available online. I don't know for sure about where it will be released physically first (or if it will happen all at once).
He did intimate that it might start reaching stores a bit before the date he quoted me and that you should call your local store to check. However, my experience dealing with the people in the stores is that they never know what I am talking about if they don't have the product right in front of them.
What if i wanted to do an upgrade online? Would it be available for that?
you ask too many questions...just try it for cry'n-out-loud
Nov 11, 2005, 9:22 PM
Way to be idiotic. You make no sense.
helloooo...just go online and select upgrade to see what phones are available...any more comments from the peanut gallery
Jesus, all these questions about when this phone will be released..........just go and buy it at Best Buy! Btw that is bullshit that Cingular pushed the release date back because SE were late on delivery, because Cingular having been delivering the phone to Best Buy for 3 weeks
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