Sony Ericsson Z520 / Z525
Reviews 100+
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Awww man!!!!!!
This wonderful phone that I want so badly and love so dearly has been recalled.The phone was frezzing and malfuctioning.It is going to b re-released again on cingular.The good thing is that its getting software updates and will b cheaper than before.The cingular representative said that it should b back out in a couple of weeks.Cant wait to get the updated 1.Thats the good thing.
Yes, it is a very nice phone. The features are great for the price, and all it's really missing is edge. However, it's not worth the daily crashes (Cingular and SE have downplayed the frequency of crashes from daily to every 3 to 4 days, it probably varies to tower density).
Jan 25, 2006, 9:06 PM
I sold a ton of these to my customers because it was relatively cheap for all it's features, but now I feel bad lol 🤠... I had no idea they were so problematic. No one ever returned them! Good thing they can send it to XBM now for a replacement thats all fixed
Nope, they were put on sale again, not for XBM. Confirmed with CS today. The phone is back on the shelves, but anyone having problems with the phone have to wait until they are available for XBM...if they don't sell out first.
They are back.... My wife has one and a friend has one and neither is having any problems. I do see that I get teh white screen flash when it first opens. But no major issues.
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