HTC SPV C550 (Hurricane)
Reviews 2
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In America? Good luck!
Since this phone seems so cool, there is almost NO chance any US carrier will sign it, If a cheaper, uglier version is released, T-Mobile or Cingular MIGHT support it, but likely only for a couple months, leaving their customers high and dry with accesories and other stuff.
was this phone's predecessor available in the us? if so, what carrier?
The American predecessor was the Audiovox SMT-5600 first carried by AT&T and now with Cingular. This phone is very similar to the SPV-C500. T-Mobile Germany is carrying a variation of the SPV-C550 verson of the phone called "SDA II Music Phone" and rumor has it that T-Mobile USA will be picking this phone up sometime in the first half of 2006. The Audiovox SMT-5600 is one of the nicest phones I ever saw when if first came out, but now I would wait for the SPV C550 with better camera, improved joystick functionality, bigger screen, additional memory, and possibly a faster processor.
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