Samsung SGH-E760
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companies are DUMB for not making GSM 850 versions
don't they realize they are missing one of the BIGGEST markets in the world, all of the cingular customers in North America.
pure ignorance.
right on dude! I know, as soon as i saw this phone, i was like SICK, but then i see it does not have the 850, and even though i am a tmobile customer, i use the 850 a lot around where i live so I totally want that... o well, they just screwed themselves again, good job samsung!
I used to be a T-Mobile guy but I switched to Cingular becuase, T-Mobile was lacking in speed and phones, but I do hope phones like these comes out for Cingular, classic, eddy, sexy design by far a doubt.
Actually the US ia a very small mkt for GSM compared to the rest of the world. CIngular has just under 52 million customers in ther US. There are approx 1.4 billion GSM subscribers in the world, that means the US GSM mkt is only about 3.7%. They are offering more phones without 850 because that is the larger market share.
I agree with that statement, I work for a large distribotor for cell phones and Cingular is really the only major company that uses it and a lot of Cingular's network is 1900 anyway. Samsung would probably be losing money by making an 850 version of the phone because it is such a small market.
Aug 31, 2005, 9:00 AM
I feel the same way when I see a phone dat isn't 900, we don't use 850 in Trinidad, so I'm glad this phone is 900
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