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Palm Treo 700w / 700wx


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Should I get this phone


Mar 5, 2006, 1:13 PM
I am on the road a ton for work and need a fully functional smartphone. I am toying with blackberry but would like a palm, I am a verizon customer(unfortunately).

Should I get this phone, despite its problems or wait for the Motorola Q?

Mar 7, 2006, 12:21 AM
I have used the Palm 650 since it came out, the XV6700 likewise, and am now testing the Treo 700W.

The 6700 is like having an affair with someone who is high maintenance but extremely beautiful. After awhile the constant care taking kind of takes the shine off of it- the phone aspect of it is worthless without Voice Dial.

The Treo 650 is a great phone if you don't need the web- the 1X Blazer is fun to play with but useless. Try Snappermail for email and it's the most user friendly business phone of the three.

The Treo 700 so far is very, very interesting-from a traveling business use perspective. I think I like it the best. The EVDO email speed and WM5 web browsing is awsome. I can't wait for the Treo 700P.......

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