Motorola Q
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Battery life on Black Q?
I've heard the Black Q actually has little improvement in firware and what not over the silver Q. Does it also have improved batter life over the silver?
Mar 4, 2007, 11:44 AM
i have the black Q and the battery is not that bad i read all the reviews and alot of people have battery problems but the battery is not that bad
Yeah, I heard the complaints about the battery life, and it made me a little hesitant to buy the Black Q. But the lady at Sprint had one and said she hadn't charged hers for 2 days. I just went 2 1/2 days without charging it's not too bad
I am a little perplexed myself. I have had the silver Q since last June and my wife bought the Black Q this January. Both Verizon and both accessing email from a hosted Exchange server. I set both devices to check for mail every hour but send immediately. I am not a power emailer nor is she. But while she can go up to 2 days without a charge, I can go about 12 to 16 hours on a charge. And I have the Extended battery. She is just running the slim standard.
I dont get it?
I have my Q set to the same schedule, I use bluetooth, and also had a very short battery life. Looking for ways to conserve power, i turned off the IR beam recieve, and have noticed a massive difference. This may or may not be your issue.
The battery SUCKS I have gotten 4 or more they only hold a charge 4 a short time I sent back the phone 2 That Sucks 2 MOTO Q SUCKS all around Ill NEVER BUY ANOTHER MOTO EVER
Nov 28, 2007, 4:16 PM
Motorola offers a software update for the Q that solves alot of the quirks and extended my battery life a great deal. Before doing this be sure to backup all of your information from your phone to your pc with activesync as this completely wipes out your Q of all information and settings.
can you give us the link for tha site to download the upgrade on the system please. thanks
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