LG Fusic / LX-550
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Restricting accesss to web
I clicked too fast/wasn't paying attention one time when I got on the web with my phone and I told it to "always connect". Now if I am going through my menu and click wrong I log on to the web without really wanting to. This usually happens when I am trying to be discreet in using my phone and not really looking at it while doing other stuff. How can I make it so it does not connect to the web without asking me if I really want to connect first?
The only thing I can think of to do is a phone reset and I don't want to do that because I do not want it to erase my contact list and I am too cheap to pay for the wireless backup service.
Menu > Settings > Power Vision > Net Gaurd > On
The phone reset under the Security menu won't erase anything on the phone. It only resets the picture token (cookie).
actually if you want to block vision access just go into setttings, pwer vision, disable power vision, yes.... then if you hit web it will prompt you to enable power vision and you can simply say no or hit back.
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