LG CU500
Does the LG CU500 play AAC files?
I have tried to resolve this with both Cingular and LG tech support and I have to say that the response was worse than useless.
The Cingular Tech told me that she can help me with "network issues" but that I would have to call LG Tech Support for phone issues.
LG Tech support says different things every time, which has convinced me that they don't know the first thing about music on this phone.
Either the phone does not really do what the manual says, or I am using it wrong, or it is broken. I have my suspicions, but I was willing to be shown any of these outcomes. No one could even begin ...
Watching Video Content
Man I'm pumped about this. I have TiVo that is connected to my PC (via LAN) and I can download the TiVo data and convert it to AVI. So I can automatically have all my shows downloaded to my PC and just copy them onto and off of my phone. I get to watch shows on the train to and from work!
This is nuts! I love it!
MP# Ringtones?
yet another fun cingular rep. call,....
Question about the CU500 and 3G
Thanks for your replies!
Suggestions for the 1st OTA Firmware Update....
Ӣ More than 100 sent/receive txt msgs in box
Ӣ If not, create an auto delete of the oldest messages
Ӣ Allow to protect/lock txt msgs u want to save
Ӣ Fix Java Appz, to auth all the time for inet access
Ӣ Allow network selection (for International Use)
Add to the list! Maybe someone from LG/Cingular might see and possibly give us what we want/need.
Reminder tone for voicemail & missed calls?
But maybe I missed it. Does the CU500 have the reminder tone feature that I crave?
(The CU500 manual is online at:
http://us.lge.com/download/product/file/1000001457/C ... »
Ringtones from MP3 Solved - and free!
I downloaded it, and found it pretty easy to use. The manual is included in the "?" tab.
Simply open an MP3 file, select the parts of the song you do not want, and cut that out. Then save the remaining as a new file name. Transfer that file over to your phone via Bluetooth or USB, and your good to go.
I haven't finished playing with this, but there are features that will allow you to adjust the volume, so I think it can handle that problem about increasing ringtone volume ( or lack of).
"Music Pack" at Cing store only or can I buy at auth dealer?
Price Alert! 1GB Micro SD card for $35 net . 8/11/06
I bought one and installed it, and it was immediately seen by my computer ( through the USB cable). Just copied and pasted MP3 folders like I was moving any windows folder or file, and the song's came up on the playlist.
How do I deactivate the tone?
transfering data through bluetooth
Tether with a Mac?
Cu500 usb cables
Huge problem with earpiece
Every once and a while, I try calling someone and the earpiece simply doesn't work. I will be sitting there thinking it's trying to connect, and the call timer begins to count down, meaning someone is on the other end saying, "HELLO?" Meanwhile they just hear me breathing because I have no idea what's going on.
It just started to happy a couple days ago and I don't understand why. I was wondering if anyone else has had the problem, or if it is just my device that isn't functioning properly. I got the phone from an indirect and this was the only one they had (and still have right now) so exchanging it is out of the questi...
Head phones that work??
how is the screen?
It just came,...and I'm not sure If i like it.
Vibration ALERT for TEXT MESSAGING for LG CU500???
At club of bars since is difficult to talk with my pals we usually text message to each other, but now I have to be checking often if they wrote to me because the PHONE doesnt seem to have a vibration alarm setting for everytime you get a TEXT MESSAGE.