Motorola RAZR V3m
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how do u get the songs to the razr v3m
i tried and tried and tried could some1 please help me out. please repost fast. im trying not 2 buy th emusic esstenial pack. i have the usb but nonthin happenin
The micro SD fits into the SD adapter that comes with the phone. Once you put the micro into the adapter you then have to find a way to connect the SD to your computer. I have two ways. My printer has an sd slot or I have an mp3 player which I am able to connect to my computer and I can manipulate files through it. I used my printer sd slot this morning. after inserting the sd into either the printer or the mp3 player then go to Explore and you can drag and drop whatever mp3 files you want onto the sd card. then reverse the process. take the micro out of the adapter, place it back in your phone...when you open your Razr on the main menu screen you'll see an option for it then it'll take you to a screen where you can either choo...
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