Palm Treo 700p
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Samsung i760 or Treo
OK, Here is my question. First off I have Verizon. I currently have a 700p but I am considering upgrading to either the 755P or the Samsung i760. Any opinions ?
Feb 9, 2008, 5:03 PM
I have the samsung i760 & my husband has the trio 755. his phone freezes up &he has to stop & take the battery out to fix it. my samsung never has frozen. his touch screen will activate on its own including just calling people to his surprise. My samsung has a lock option so this does not happen. we are supposed to have the same camera but his does not have a flash. I have more options with my camera also. My Internet is faster. Even though we both have verizon broadband unlimited FAMILY SHARE. His does not have the wifi option either.🙂
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