Palm Treo 700p
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ring tones
May 23, 2006, 12:23 PM
some one that gets this phone before this friday...could you please let me now if its able to play music tones...i'd appreciate it.
I should be gettin mine on thursday as soon as i figure it out ill let ya know!
I dont think anyone will have this phone in thier posession till mid next week
I'm getting mine tomorrow 😁
negotiating skills that deals with being a verizon
wireless customer
That is untrue! I will have it in my hands by 3PM pacific time tomorrow, May 25th. To answer the orginal question I know have I Ringo Pro on my 650 which enables you to play your MP3s as ringtones, but haven't heard anything about a built-in program that does it on the 700p. I will also post after play with it for a bit.
the 700p has a type of itunes... so i'm sure their is a way to make them ringtones.... AND gbr1ryder ...I don't know how you will get it by tomorrow on the Pacific coast unless you asked for overnight shipment.... I ordered 2 treo 700p's last sunday...that was the first day of release most orders placed monday were on backorder
so can you use active sync or something to put ringtones into the sound folder like on the Q or 6700
the 700p doesn't have activesync... it has hotsync because it's a palm OS device (700---P---) but no... all you have to do is take the files and put them on an SD card and just copy them to the "rings" folder (on the decent *caugh* windows mobile version)
mines coming the tracking number and everything!
by 3 for both of my treos YAYAYa 😁
i get mine tomorow! giving away my 700w for it! 🙂 🙂
haha putting my xv6700 in the drawer for it!
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