LG VX-8500 Chocolate
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Charging A New Battery...
Does it matter to charge a new battery to full the first time?? Just Curious!
I know by now you have charged your battery for the first time but I thought I would throw this out there. Everything I have read says it does not matter how long you charge it for the first time as long as you fully charge it. With mine I charged for 12 hours when I first got it, ran it all the way down to the point it was beeping at me, charged it again for 12 hours and again ran it down to the beeping point. My battery lasts 4-5 days with 20 minutes of calling a day (using bluetooth) and the normal playing around/showing off the phone. I have not played around with the music player much so I can't comment on that. Am I lucky by getting a good phone or did this method really work? I'm not sure but I will do the same thing next time. 😁
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