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Software update for LG enV VX-9900???


Dec 28, 2006, 9:57 AM
I just purchased this phone last Thursday & so far, I like it!

However, I sent myself a voicemail to my work phone using my phone, and for some weird reason, it wasn't all that clear. It kinda sounds like I'm holding my hand over the mic or something. I could barely make out some of the words that I said. Also, other people are sometimes not understanding what I'm saying. Several times in the convo, the person on the other end is constantly saying, "huh?" or "what happened?".

Has anyone experienced this yet? Is there a software for this phone that I may need to use to fix this problem or to update the phone in general?

Please let me know & thanks for all your help in advance!

Dec 28, 2006, 2:35 PM
I have not had any issues at all with the microphone on my 9900, or any one telling me that the phone doesn't sound clear. 👀
Did you drop the phone on concrete?
Did you get the phone wet?
Did you remove all the plastic coverings from the phone?
Is something blocking the microphone hole on your phone?
Did you jam a needle into the microphone?
Do you have a tendency to mumble?
Does it do the same thing with the Speakerphone ON?
Have you tried recording a Voice-memo to determine if it's actually the Mic that may have a problem, or if it's a connection issue.
Do you live in an area with poor VZW reception?
Can you replicate the problem? If yes... Exchange it at a VZW store.
Hope this helps 😁

Dec 28, 2006, 3:06 PM
- I dropped the phone the day after I purchased it on concrete, and it now has a couple of nips on it. ☚ī¸
- The phone has not gotten wet
- I kept the plastic on the screen and over the keypad until today
- I definitely didn't jam a needle into any part of the phone...lol
- I speak very clearly and don't mumble... lol
- I'm not sure if it does the same thing with the speakerphone ON
- I haven't tried recording a voice memo yet
- The area I live in has great reception

This may sound like a stupid question, but where exactly is the microphone hole located on the phone? I can't find it...

Dec 28, 2006, 4:02 PM
It's on the inside. on the far left side of the keyboard, right next to the orange "email" and grey "shift" buttons. 😁
Maybe you got something small lodged in there, try using a can of Air to clean that area of your phone.
Good Luck! 😎

Dec 30, 2006, 1:49 AM
Dood, swap that thing. Bring your box and reciept and such. Within 30 days you get a BRAND new exchange under warranty, instead of a reburb. Bad Microphones out of the box are common, at least in the few LGs that actually go bad. Good luck.

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