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LG enV VX-9900


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help with finding a new phone!!


Jan 10, 2007, 5:12 PM
Right now I am trying to decide between a few phones. I originally thought about buying the treo because it woudl enable me to get rid of my palm pilot. I never thought of the enV until now. I know the enV is a smart phone, but can I sync with my mac (or palm program) and load my contacts, tasks, notes and calendar on it? If I dont get a smart phone, I am also considering the LG 860O, Motorola Slvr or Krzr.

All input is appreciated

Thank you!!! 😁

Jan 10, 2007, 5:31 PM
ok allow me to clear some things up for you. the 9900 is not a smart phone. now I'm not saying its a bad phone but it is definately not a smart phone. you can use the wireless sync feature to get e-mail but that is all and that is an additional $20.00 a month so it can HELP with e-mail but not replace your palm if you like palm get the treo 700P not W the windows version seems to have more bugs. now if you decide to go with a more basic phone...DO NOT GET THE KRZR! unless you already understand that it is an ascesory first and a phone second and functions as such. the lg8600 is a stable and very nice phone. and the phone I would recomend over any other we currently offer I hope that helps

Jan 10, 2007, 5:43 PM
Thanks for your input. I do like the LG8600, but I am not thrilled by the bad speakerphone! Are there any new phones coming out soon that I should wait for? Any news on the new motorola? Slvr??

Thank you for your input!

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