User Review History
Ecervas68's review of the Samsung Galaxy Note5 (CDMA)
original version, submitted Dec 14, 2015, 12:54 PM:
Galaxy note 5
Nice looking phone. The battery life on my phone very poor whether through 3 note 5 and had to go back to my Lg4 much better on battery life
edited Dec 14, 2015, 1:01 PM to read:
Galaxy note 5
Every one in my family have the galaxy s5 toral of 9 phones plus my note 5
Nice looking phone. The battery life on my phone very poor went through 3 note 5 and had to go back to my Lg4 much better on battery life
edited Dec 14, 2015, 1:03 PM to the current version:
Galaxy note 5
Every one in my family have the galaxy s6 toral of 9 phones plus my note 5
Nice looking phone. The battery life on my phone very poor went through 3 note 5 and had to go back to my Lg4 much better on battery life