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Motorola Q Global / Q9h


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Q9 Global great phone, worth the $$$$


Feb 12, 2008 by KGriffATT

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I currently am using the Q9 Global for At&t. This is a great phone and it does everything i need it to do. I work for an authorized agent and orginally started my plan off with a Sony 580i, (which in my books if you are looking for just a phone the 580i is the best that i see so far i love that phone).

I did also use a blackberry curve for a while. Which yes great phone and i see why people call them "crackberry" lol. But...so far my Q9 has not let me down yet and has restored some of my faith in windows and motorola.


Great screen

Speakers are the best that i have ever heard in a phone

Good camera

Great call quality

very durable

very nice qwerty keyboard ( nice feel to it)

Decent battery life ( i only have to charge it every other day with the extended battery and with how much i use it..and yes im on it all the time...this is very good...i had to charge my blackberry twice a day)

Very zippy programs ( just make sure you occasionally kill all programs you are not currently using in task manager)


I really wish I could do more with and customize it like i could my blackberry

Having a hard time figuring out the volume controls

a few dropped calls every now and then ( not a big deal to me, it happpens)

Programs need to be shut down manually through task manager occasionally ( not a big hassle...just have a quick link to task manager on main screen)

I really wish Windows would or even motorola would set up a personal email account similar to the blackberry.

Other than this stuff this phone is a sterdy and duarable phone. Reliable?...yes i would say so..and being that I am in the celluar industry i would say that i have put this phone to the test and by me it has done very well....The Moto Q9 Global is definately worth the money!!!!!

Thank-you, Motorola!


Jan 28, 2008 by nlittleadmin

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Only phone I've ever rated a 5... This phone is the elite. It has every feature imaginable, an excellent camera, the perfect QWERTY keyboard, and it looks amazing. The phone has crystal clear reception and speakerphone...

Only cons I can think of is that a) its a fingerprint magnet and b) it's going out of style.



Nov 21, 2007 by Slash5150

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This phone is amazing. Jumping to my first "smartphone" ever after owning the Sony w810i. I have to say this phone is great.

Good Button Response
Nice backlighting/smart backlighting
Good interface, not sluggish.

the mids
No Flash Player BUT easily fixable so not a con

no way to actually kill all the programs, without having to go into the task manager.

This phone is well worth the money.

Motorola done good


Nov 2, 2007 by sgoldwa

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I cannot find any flaws with this phone. It is a good enough piece to get me to switch from VZW to AT&T after 10 years of VZW (and Airtouch prior).

By the way, in case you are wondering, I have the Q9m and Q9h sitting side by side and they are very different. The Q9h is a far better phone ... snappier processor, loads more memory, better key layout, and in my opinion, a more professional look.

Excellent reception
Excellent voice quality (I was afraid of GSM after being with CDMA for so long, but I am really impressed with the voice quality)
Snappy snappy snappy (not laggy like the Q9m)
Excellent built in apps - this thing has it all!
Professional looking, not cheesy
Excellent stability with WM6

I can't think of much.
I guess to nitpick, even with the screen off, every so often it cycles on again for 15 seconds...not sure why. I guess I just need to RTFM.
Battery life not as awesome as I would have hoped compared to reports to the contrary. Don't get me wrong -- it is good (esp. wit the extended), but I think based on my obsessive usage, I will have to charge every night.
Oh, I guess I do have one annoyance to report, and that is the use of the microUSB connector. I will get used to it though.

This phone in my opinion has a lot more to offer than an iPhone, and I am shocked about how under the radar it is.

Buy it and you will be impressed to. And do not compare it to a Q9m on Verizon's network, because they are very different.

Very Happy Q9h Owner!


Mar 9, 2008 by magicmouthwash

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The most important feature to me of any phone is reception and call quality, and this phone does not disappoint. I am with AT&T in west central Missouri, which has excellent coverage in this area; but getting a signal at my house has always been an issue. None of my friends with T-mobile, Sprint, or Verizon can get service. I've tried out the original bj, the bb curve, bjII, and se w580i, and none of them passed the signal strength test. The Q difference is amazing! I've never had a dropped call or poor call quality of any kind. Thank you Motorola!

For me, the rest of the pros are just gravy, and let me tell you, there is a lot of gravy!
The keyboard is the best, so smooth and easy to use, it blows away the bj phones and better than the curve. Plus the blue back light for the keys is just cool. Sound is fantastic, especially the speaker phone. The bj's would crackle when the volume was too high, but you can crank up the Q9 all the way. The screen is brilliant, and I love the auto adjustment for brightness. The shortcut key for speaker phone is very appreciated, and the same key pressed for more than 2 seconds give you the voice dialing feature-perfect for the car. The camera is very good, but more important to me is the camera flash that is basically a mini flashlight. I can't tell you how many times that has come in handy.

The battery life with the standard battery is about 1.5 days for my usage, and 5 days with the extended. The phone is wider than any phone I've ever owned, but it still fits in my pants/shorts pockets without a problem because it is soooo thin.

I will keep this phone for a long, long time and only hope that Motorola will continue to build on this model for years to come.

Behold, the Power of Q!!!


Mar 1, 2008 by behemoth85

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They say third time's a charm right? Well, this is my 3rd smartphone, and I have once again returned to Motorola for the next round.

I planned on getting a RAZR2 V9, but Xed that due to my excessive text habit. And I am so glad I followed my gut and picked up this gem.

This phone is FANTASTIC. IMHO, it is the most underrated, BEST smartphone on AT&T's network.

PROS: -QUERTY keypad is VERY VERY useful and takes maybe a day to get accustomed to. Elevated keys help A LOT, despite looking slightly odd. The lack of Alt/Shift keys on both sides is a minor annoyance, but you truly get used to it after a day.

-Signal is 2nd to none. Others say this is as clear as a landline and they DO NOT lie. There is a dead zone near the Louisiana/Arkansas state line near Crosset, Arkansas; and I've dropped only ONE call passing through there. I'm almost tempted to say this BEATS the V3xx in call clarity...

-Battery life is EXCELLENT for a smartphone. Extended is good for 3 days with moderate text, internet, and calling. Heavy usage pushes it down to 2; but still VERY respectable.

-Organizer just like on the BlackJack, and VERY easy to work with.

-Once again, ringtones EXTREMELY loud; and A LOT of internal space to store stuff.

-Camera is pretty respectable, though the darks appear a little muddled.

CONS: - For once, I really have nothing negative to say about the phone.

However, data outtages may be frequent depending on area. I've been through about 2-3 in the last month and I depend on A LOT of e-mail. I am aware that I'm not on true "push" e-mail and am on a 30 minute delay. That's what they invent manual send/receive for :P

Despite the data outtages (not the phone's problem), I am a VERY satisfied owner of the Q9h.

Get it, now! The phone is that good
for those ready to graduate to the world of smartphones without the sacrifices you'd make by going with the BlackJack.

Qoolest moto yet


Nov 16, 2007 by technerd83

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forget what you know about the original version of this phone (which i used on verizon and sprint) battery life, sluggish menu and crappy call quality. i have used the Q's, treo 650, treo 680, treo 755 and a few blackberry devices for the last 3 years.

I own the GSM version and use at&t's service and i will never waste my time with the old Q or those services again.

i'm gonna get right to the point here...
-VERY responsive menu/navigation
-Keyboard is a HUGE upgrade compared to the Q, treo, or any blackberry other than the curve.
-Screen has a "smart" backlight that will adjust to provide the best vision during quick/slow lighting changes.
-Battery life is amazing compared to the old Q. (if you bought the verizon version...SORRY. you have to spend another $50 to get the extended battery that comes free with the at&t version of this phone)
-the extended battery lasts about 3 days of heavy usage (texting, calling, bluetooth, browsing and downloading) and it makes a nice grip on the phone with a resting place for your index finger.
-the design has a touch of rubber in the casing (which keeps it from slipping your grip)

-the standard battery will drain fast if you turn the "smart" backlight off (in power management settings)
-the battery life will drain if you run too many programs at once for a long period of time.
-windows mobile... haha. i use mac's and i can't sync it.

the phone is solid and they have made many improvements. the at&t version has a 2mp camera that is crisp, very crisp. Email takes about 30 seconds to set up. I give the phone a hands down win for the moto family.

Excellent product


Nov 1, 2007 by ajs253

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Here's my take on this phone.

I had the European Q9h for approximately 3 months, and just got the US Q9h. Aesthetics aside, which I think is great, thin, good looking, great keys, the functionality of the q9h, with the ability to edit documents, combined with the 3G technology is a very powerful work horse. The quality of the Q9 is also great. Whether the Q9h, or the Q9m (which I also own), they are really built well planned well and WM6 has also added great things to vastly improve on the first generation Qs.

Now does it compare to the Blackberry? I think it surpasses with respect to the quality and what the Q delivers with respect to Windows Media Mobile. Whether you are comparing it with the 8300 or 8800 series, I believe the Q surpasses both both in quality and in what it delivers.

First off, unless you are using the blackberry e-mail, you are not really pushing e-mail in other words you are not receiving the e-mail instantly, you are on a 15 minute rotation, (Well WM6 offers the same), additionally, WM6 will be offering Blackberry connect for Windows, if it isn't already. So what are you missing? Not much if you ask this user.

If you are looking for excuses to knock this product, you will find reasons, but you may find it not as easy as you think if you are being objective about this model.

Do I think it's worth the money, absolutely.
With everything this phone has to offer, and it's build quality, I think Motorola has another winner. I am a business user who uses e-mail/text messaging often, and needs to be connected to the Internet often. I don't have time for edge or wifi. I need things to happen quickly. With the Q9h I am getting what I want.

Try it... you will be very pleasantly surprised.
Well done Moto!

The BEST yet!


Nov 28, 2007 by bradspace

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Let me start out by saying that I have NEVER given any phone a 5 star rating. This one is THAT good. Taking the OS out of the picture because the limitations are that of the OS or the crippling by AT&T. I LOVE this phone!! One "feature" that I appreciate more than many is the size. I am 6'2" with big paws and I can actually use this phone for everything that it is intended for. I can type without fat fingering everything. That alone is worth it in my book. the display is crisp and clear and BRIGHT. Battery life is so-so with the standard battery, but with the included extended battery, it goes days without a recharge. The OS is OK, nothing great, but hey-it IS a Windows device. Included apps are sufficient but there are many others out there for download that make it a dream to own. Speakers are loud and clear and the reception is fantastic. Having GPS is also very handy and FREE with Google maps. I really have no cons with this phone. If you are considering buying it, I would recommend that you go into a store and check out the size before purchasing. If you can deal with that, they BUY IT!! You WILL NOT regret getting this phone!!

Probably the best phone I have ever used


Nov 10, 2007 by WhiteCollarNomad

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Rather than provide all of the detailed reviews that others have already done so well... just wanted to provide some feedback on this phone.

Motorola has a true winner in this phone. The user interface is rather intuitive, and not overdone. The phone is very responsive, with no delays in the applications. The phone call quality is better than my Razr (which is still a great phone today). Email was a snap to setup and begin using (wow).

This is a great phone for anyone, from consumers to traveling business people. I am on the road about 50% of the time, with global roaming being a prime need for my cell phone, so cannot wait to test this phone in Europe.

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