Motorola Renegade V950
Average Ratings
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Well after a few weeks with this phone I'd say it dose what itâs suppose to very well, and that's being a phone.
It has froze on me twice, but I blame Sprint and Motorola for that since that's the only combination I've ever had a Motorola phone freeze on me with.
And the battery life is really horrible; if you want this phone get the extended battery and door.
Answer a call with speaker button on top
Use speaker phone while phone is closed
MMS capable
Rubber outer and inner coating
Pretty loud ear piece and speaker (not as loud as ic902)
All the fluff seems to work well, live search, internet, Sprint TV, etc
Short, short, short OEM battery life
Texting can be slow
Can't comment on the DC because I don't use it but Sprint gave me a DC number free of charge if I ever do. So sign up for a Sprint plan and they should give you a DC number for free, don't know if it'll work or not.