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Motorola KRZR K1m


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Good Phone


Oct 5, 2006 by RN

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I had my doubts about buying a Motorola phone but the KRazr changed my mind. I got this phone yesterday from Verizon and I've been extensively testing it over the last 24 hours. Impressive to say the least. I was looking high and low for a solid phone with Bluetooth. I was not interested in all the other unnecessary bells and whistles since I already have a dedicated Blackberry and a PDA. I just wanted a simple, solid phone. I liked the Nokia 8801 from T-Mobile but I thought $600 was to much to pay for just a phone.

Anyway here goes:

Solid Build; expensive look and feel, quartz plated
Excellent reception
Loud ear piece volume - very important feature
Perfect size and weight - it doesn't feel heavy in my pocket
Good battery life
PC Chargeable
Respectable resolution

Fingerprint magnet
No conference calling ability
Flimsy rear battery plate - keeps coming off, it may just be with my phone

I've only had it for 24 hours so I've yet to test the bluebooth but if this last 24 hours was anything to go by, I think it'll work just fine. The KRazr is a solid effort by Motorola.

I'm pleased !


Oct 3, 2006 by michaele

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First let me say that I don't do a lot with mobile phones other than make calls, receive calls and text messages. I love gadgets and my NE2 was available which by the way they did not reset when I exchanged my V710 for a RAZR in the lawsuit settlement last April, so I went for it. I figured $100 for the latest greatest wouldn't kill me and if I didn't like it I would just take the RAZR (which I gave to my wife) back from my wife (who doesn't know one phone from another and could care less), but I have a feeling I am going to keep it.

Pros: style, size design, excellent reception/call quality, voice dialing. There are some subtle changes in the UI-Bluetooth menu is better. I'm sure I will find others as I explore further. It is much easier to turn on and off. The voice dialing seems to be more responsive than it was in my RAZR. Response to keyboard is not as slow as my RAZR. Battery life seems better - It charged faster than the RAZR and I used the hell out of it yesterday and it didn't drain like my RAZR did. Bluetooth is working fine.

Cons: Smaller keyboard -fingers have caught the wrong key a few times and I don't have big hands! Different proportions from the RAZR make it seem (visually) bigger than it is. That will change after a week or so and I get used to it. High gloss finish will make you nuts. Like someone else said - If you suffer from OCD do not get this phone!

Don't know about synching yet. I have always used MPT so I am waiting for an update to MPT before deciding whether to buy VZW's mobile office software.

Great phone (verizon)


Apr 18, 2007 by reek93

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I've had this phone for about a month now and I'm very satisfied with it. I am a normal user as I don't use the bluetooth, mp3 player or any of that vcast crap; I use my phone for an alarm clock, to make calls, and to text.

Before I got the phone I was worried about having the verizon UI, but after using it for awhile, its not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. With that being said, I still prefer the Moto UI over verizon's.

I usually take good care of my phones, but when I accidentally dropped it for the first time, the outer glass cracked, so be careful if you get this phone. However I found a site that sells OEM replacement parts for KRZR's. [...]

Battery life is very good, but probably because i don't use any of that extra unnecessary stuff included with the phone. Usually lasts me around 3-4 days per charge.

Camera is very good for a cell phone, much better than the camera on my old v265.

Texting can be a bit painful sometimes as the keypad is fairly small and the backspace button is close to the END button. Also using verizon's texting UI, it can get a bit annoying compared to using moto's, as it doesn't learn the most frequently used words or any new words.

I don't really use any of the other stuff on the phone, but I've tried the mp3 player and it works pretty well, would recommend getting a mini-sd card if you plan on using it.

Call quality is also very good, everyone sounds very clear on the other line, best reception I have ever gotten with a cell phone. (Northern VA/DC area)

Overall, I really love this phone, it feels very solid, looks great, sounds great, and works great. the only beef I have with it is that the outer glass cracked so fast on me, other than that, I would highly recommend this phone to anyone.

Ed. note: removed commercial link

Goodbye Krzr, But it was fun


Mar 14, 2007 by AKCUSTOM21

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Well I've been thinking of writing a review for sometime now, but I'm trading this ol' dog in tomorrow, so i figured no better time than the present.
I first started using the krzr November of 2006. For the first week, it was Amazing! Everywhere I went people asked about, talked about, I mean its only a phone people! For it to carry such a buzz with just the sight was alittle crazy. But after the 'fans' had disappeared, it was just me and the 'krazer'.

- It is slow. I used the Motorola v325 before this and since i stayed in the same family, i figured it would be pretty quick. Not so much, it was very sluggish and would do some very odd things.
- Check previous calls, it would show one name, with the same time and date, for hundreds of entry's.
- If you had more than a 100 text messages stored (who wants to delete daily?) it would be so slow I'd just have to put it down, before it went through a wall.
-People in my contact list would call, and it wouldn't ring, it would just light up, and show there name, but no sound. thats one i could never figure out, it just would do that randomly but not THAT often.
OK, now for the goods. I rated it a 4, which i consider pretty high, so i just had to get that out of the way.
- Size, size, size. This thing will go anywhere, and it just wouldn't hinder you what so ever, best size and feel of a phone ever made.
- Service was outstanding. I live in Colorado which is some of the worst coverage, but it out performed alot of lg 8100's that I was around, 9800's, and even the 8600's in that later part. It worked all over the state.
- A Fighter, even with the cons listed above, this ol boy just kept fighting, if i really needed it for something, Email or whatever, it never let me down in the crunch.
- Wow factor is something I've never seen before, even last week someone stopped and asked about it, it sells it self.

I'm going to miss this phone, size for starters, just a great phone.Small, Compact, and reliable.

perfect gift for the holidays! KRZR on Sprint!


Nov 15, 2006 by scottmbolt

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I have had this phone for a week and so far it is exceptional! First, the sleek form factor is amazing! Beats the old Razr, the Blade, and any other slim phone out there! Here in the Detroit, MI Metropolitan area i get perfect service and have not had one call problem yet!

Lets do some Pros and Cons...


-Sleek form factor, sexiest phone on the market
-Signal and service (Detroit area) is perfect
-Although feeling light in the hand, has a stronger build feel then the RAZR did.
-Sprint's version comes with a MircoSD card and adapter, which is really cool
-comes with 25 cool ring tones, all loud enough
-speaker phone is probably better then most other cell phones
-internal screen graphics are great
-Bluetooth pairing with my Plantronics headset was flawless and extremely fast when compared to my other Bluetooth experiences
-Battery power better compared to original RAZR and Samsung BLADE

Cons: These are the only reasons why this phone did not receive a 5 out of 5, most of these are me nit picking, however might annoy some people. Take it how you want.


-Some menu items are slow to react (like going to recent calls, contacts, etc.) This is somewhat surprising for a phone which is so advanced and expensive. It just takes some time to get used to. However i bought this phone the day it comes out, so maybe a firmware update sometime soon might fix this.
-External screen is a little bit small, and pictures assigned to contacts are NOT displayed on the external screen when they call in, but ARE displayed on the internal screen during the call.
-Glass cover of phone looks great BUT does collect fingerprints easily, but nothing a quick wipe of the T-Shirt cant fix though

That is it, overall i LOVE this phone and the PROS HIGHLY outweigh the CONS.

Hope this helped...

A decent Motorola phone


Nov 6, 2006 by hoppyjr

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Hi folks,

To be honest, I am normally a Motorola fan - that said, many others don't state their "honest" bias for or against, so consider that in any review.

I bought this KRZR K1m on Verizon, to replace my RAZR V3c. I liked the RAZR fine, but the quality of the Bluetooth connections was sub-par at best. I also did not care for the poor RAZR battery life. Well, the KRZR K1m fixes those problems and does a lot more.......

The K1m strikes me as what a reasonable successor to the Star-Tac should be. I find the battery life a bit better with the standard battery and excellent with the extended life OEM battery (880mah vs. 1640 mah). The extended actually makes the phone more comfortable to hold and better "balanced" in the hand. The size is great and the general functionality is very good. I don't use the music player, so I won't comment on its function.

I am a "phone hacker" type of person, yet this didn't require much. I changed the exterior flip-open graphic to a Harley-Davidson logo and I added some photos and ringtones using information that I learned at HowardForums (use the v3c info). I like that this newer, modernized version of the new Verizon interface has become much better - kind of like a combination of Motorola and LG software. You can turn off the "power on/off" sounds, set different tones for received pix messages, text messages, and voicemail messages. The KRZR has dual-nam capability (two numbers in one phone, but only one is in use at a time). It still retains Airplane Mode, now called Standalone Mode. You can now set all four of the shortcut keys as opposed to the old way of only customizing the "down" button on the five-way center key. The Bluetooth connection is worlds better that my RAZR too. Now, you can also make the interior & exterior wallpaper different pics. This phone offers vibrate & ring at the same time.

Now, if they only added Analog support, a standard headset jack, and offered a no-camera version........

ONly holds 6 texts


Mar 30, 2008 by kliever

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Its a decent phone however I am seeming to have a problem with the inbox for text messages. For some strange reason it only will hold 6 messages and then if someone sends one and i have 6 already in the inbox i will not receive the message until i have cleared all the messages. The frist day it ocul hold 40 so i dont know why all a sudden it can only hold 6 and it doesnt give me a warning that the memory is full because there is tons of memory left on the card. I brought it in to the store i purchused it from and explained the problem they reset it and claimed it was fixed however it still has the same problem.. Ive called rogers and they said they have never heard of it and sent me on a wild goose chase htrough mnay lines,holds and computers....if anyone knows anything about this probelm please post a response.. I am getting extremyl frustrated with this now becasue noone knows whats up with it
thanks craig.

Verizon Wireless- Poor Quality Phone


Mar 1, 2008 by volley_ball_bite

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Let me start from the beginning of my story. I was getting my first phone, on my birthday debating between the LG VX8500 or the Motorola KRZR. My family members told me I should get the Krzr because it was a "better" phone. So I did and it was not a good phone, it attracted more finger prints then the LG VX8500 and it was so bad you could hardly see the external display. Another compliant I had was that the phone was sluggish as Motorola is known for. So I took the phone back before my 30 days were up and got another disappointing phone....

lame battery life


Oct 7, 2007 by tawnie44

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I don't understand why it is that some people's experiences with this phone praise the battery life, and others like myself can hardly get through a day without having to charge it. I hardly used my phone throughout the day and it would still just eat the battery. I did like the design of this phone and the speaker on the bottom, though immediately I was annoyed with the glass smudging on the front. It looks beautiful until you actually have to touch it...kind of like a stainless steel refrigerator. Pretty, but constant cleaning. Ultimately, I need a phone that can hold a charge and can go at least 2 days. It made me nervous to think it might be dead when I need it. I was still within my 30 days at Verizon, so I just switched it out for a an LG phone...not sure about it yet, but at least it holds a charge.

MacMan loves his KRZR- Bluetooth shares pics+contacts


Apr 2, 2007 by macmancape

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Was looking for a Mac-compatible phone this time and got it.. no thanks to the Verizon people who, although they're nice enough, don't know a Mac from an eggplant... and couldn't tell me a thing about its compatibility.
BLUETOOTH PHOTO SHARING - Bluetooth in this phone pairs up right away with both of the recent iMacs in my home. Allows easy, fast sharing of photos from the phone to the Mac and also from Mac to the phone. In fact, the Bluetooth setup on the Mac (go to the Bluetooth icon in the MenuBar;activate it in System Prefs first) shows all of the folders inside the KRZR and lets you drag and drop files into them or use the Get+ Send buttons on the Mac's Bluetooth interface. Forget buying a cable from Verizon if you have a Mac! Don't install any special software, either; your Mac already comes with everything you need if you have OS X (10.3 and up). Software+cable Verizon sells is for use as a laptop modem, only.

CONTACTS: Using the free iSync program on every Mac, you can easily transfer your entire Address Book with all of its contacts - or just selected groups - from the Mac to the KRZR. Sweet! Also offers option of transferring just those contacts with phone numbers.

SPEAKER PHONE: Excellent and clear and plenty loud; adjustable, too, via easy buttons on side of phone.

SCREEN: Bright and clear but does show skin oils on it immediately. So,wipe it off! Big numbers.

VOICE ACTIVATED DIALING: Works very well and if unsure of your command, will ask confirming question before dialing potential wrong number.

SIZE/FORM FACTOR: This is longer than my old LG phone but thinner. Some have objected to its length, but doesn't bother me. Nice and thin.

CHARGING: Can USB-connect phone to PC/Mac to charge battery with right cable. Seems to hold charge long time so far.

CONS: Weak vibrate mode. Weak rubber cover over USB charge port can twist off.

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