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Crack by power button


Jul 17, 2011 by aarmeni06

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IMPORTANT: Check your phone for a crack by the power button if you have one contact sprint to make this a bigger known issue... If you power button is no longer working download no lock for temporary help but let sprint know you are having issues so free replacement becomes available. http://news.softpedia.com/news”‹/HTC-EVO-4G-Users-Report-Power”‹-Button-Crack-Issue-152326.sht”‹ml

iPhone 4 what? Motorolla Droid What?


May 25, 2011 by jessiep

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This is a great phone by HTC. I wanted to wait awhile before I posted a review. Having the phone now for 6 months here's what I think. The mobile hotspot feature is great along with the Andriod 2.2 Froyo, excellent cameras, love the Sense OS, the resolution is excellent, video conferencing, just so much that this phone offers your bound to love more then just one thing. The MP3 player is great, syncs right up to my iTunes without a problem. You really need to take your time to explore this phone to see what it can do.

A lot of people complain about the battery life here's some tips that helps me. Turn off your Wifi unless your using it, keep the 4G antenna off unless you know your in a 4G area and want to use it. This will keep the phone from trying to constantly connect to 4G or WiFi. Also don't activate the HTC Sense facebook app. Just download and use the regular one from the android market. Also set your weather, news, stocks, email, facebook, refresh feature to update manually when you open the applications. No need to constantly have your phone refreshing with several applications draining your battery life. Just do it manually. If your that interested to see whats going on then just open the app.

I also downloaded AutoRun Killer and by doing what I listed above and with this app my battery last a day in a half to two days easily. Just managed your device and it will last and operate without a problem. A few things I didn't like is the email feature to be honest. Coming from my Blackberry 9650 of course the email feature is a lot better IMO and I didn't like the fact that I had to create a gmail account to access the market. Other then that it's a solid phone and well worth the money if you can swing it.

If your like my wife, she plays a ton of games on it, constantly on her facebook app, the internet and youtube, her battery last about a day. If your a extremely heavy user like her, just invest in an extended life battery and you will be just fine.

Greatest Phone Ever


Apr 9, 2011 by skywalkershawty

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I'm going to start by saying that this phone cannot I repeat CANNOT be rated if you haven't rooted it!

Let me start by saying that I've had just about every phone worth having... Including the iPhone 4... I switch phones weekly because of boredom... I've had this phone since November 2010 it's currently April 2011 and I still love it to death!

I'm gonna rate it with Pros/Cons like I've done every other review...

-Big, you can watch your movies on this mini tv lol
-8mp camera clear as hell, though it could be a lil better
-front facing camera so I can video chat my girlfriends hahaha
-lonnnnnng battery life, I think I get around 20 hours before it dies...(rooted)
-big enough to do a lot but still small enough for your pocket
-phone is not too heavy but it feels thick and sturdy

-no camera button

see that, the pros outweigh the cons obviously... if you're thinking about getting a phone from sprint and you don't wanna wait/get the 3D then get this, it is the best phone on the market hands down...

Worth Getting


Mar 15, 2011 by d7mysterio

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I went from having an iPHone to the EVO. I've had the original iPhone, the 3GS, and the iphone 4. I went looking at the EVO with a friend and love the layout and the Sense UI overlay on Android. IT sold me right away. I was able to get all the apps I had from my iphone from the Market Place so I didnt feel a sense of lost.

The size is great especially for those with vision problem(dont laugh). Texting was great with swype technology; Facebook integration was awesome via Friend Stream widget. I could answer all replies and updates via the widget or even look via my address book. Notificiation was not intrusive as the iphone and being able to lock my text message, pics, and email was perfect from prying eyes. I really love the phone and would recommend it to anyone.

* Size,
* Notifications,
* Sense UI, Swype technology,
* Ability to lock any application (Lock App)
* 4G Speed in area where available
* Changeable themes
* Sprint Radio
* Calendar Widget (a must for those in corporate. Calendar can by sync via Google Sync

* Battery life really stinks. iphone leads by far on this over any phone.
* Download on Youtube is slow over 3G

Fantastic Device, Battery Sucks


Mar 12, 2011 by girlsdad

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I have had a corporate blackberry for about 3 years, and my company was dumping the BB server and switching to an Android preference – employee paid, but reimbursable.

I had bought my wife a MyTouch3G about a year earlier, so I was familiar with the Android OS.

I bought the EVO right before Thanksgiving, and had heard that there were battery issues. I came from a BB 8900, which I liked for email and to make calls, but didn’t use for anything in my personal life. I wanted to get rid of carrying another device (ipod).

The great rep at a local Sprint store was honest about the shortcomings (battery life), so I thought I knew what I was in for…

-HTC Mail client is MUCH better than the one for Motorola (my colleagues who opted for Motorola phones are not getting HTC’s)
-Screen quality & size
-Android Marketplace – 1000’s of Apps, amazing apps that run my life
-Sound & speaker quality
-Very responsive UI
-Android 2.2
-Amazing camera's
-Micro USB port
-3mm headset is universal, (surprised one did not come with the phone, but bought a great one for under $50 at Best Buy).
-Sprint NAVI,
-Very good Sprint coverage & service has improved A LOT.

-Battery life. Even with Advance Task Killer and other power saving apps, the battery still stinks compared to my BB.

On Amazon I purchased a spare battery and a desktop charger that would charge both batteries – this helps a lot.

Although I have gotten better at it, the keyboard still causes me to make a lot of typing errors. I miss having a spell-check.

The HTC EVO 4G is amazing! I use this at gym instead of an ipod, I synch our family google calendars (helps track activities for 2 working adults and 2 children).

If you are thinking about an iPhone or something else, I would at least consider this device.

One of the best...


Mar 2, 2011 by keepfit7

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...if not the best!!! The Evo has been available since June of 2010 and it is still one of the best after all this time. I love the BIG screen, Android platform takes getting used to however once you get accustomed to its features it is great at multitasking and it supports Adobe Flash which for me is a BIG deal. Google Navigation is just like your car's (giving turn-by-turn voice directions) and it is free on Sprint! Android has most of the Apps I use so no complaints there. The 8 mega pixel camera w/flash is great!!! Sprint's Everything Data with Any Mobile Anytime at $69.99 w/$10 extra for 4G doesn't hurt your wallet. I'm in Honolulu and we have 4G here however coverage seems to be spotty-sometimes blazingly fast and sometimes have to settle for 3G however 3G is fast enough most times. I have had the Evo since September of 2010 and the worst part has been the battery so I purchased a spare however this week I have noticed the battery lasting most of the day the past couple of days so maybe there was an Android update dowmloaded to the Evo this past weekend. If the battery does last longer now then the Evo really doesn't have any flaws now. I'll probably stick with the Evo due to Flash support and BIG screen. As long as the iPhone doesn't support Flash, I'm more than satisfied with the HTC Evo-I think you will be too...



Feb 24, 2011 by rilmille

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This is a great phone I've had it for about 3 weeks and it has performed excellent, it works just fine and does everything really fast, I had the hero before this one which was a fine phone as well. So far the EVO G4 is the best phone I have ever had, I love the calendar app which is a lot bigger than the Hero and easier to read and thats because of the 4.3 in screen on the EVO which is great, other than the battery life it is flawless, just get an extra battery or the extended battery and your set.

Phone is great just like it is.

Only con I have is battery life could be better.

I highly recommend this phone!

HTC Evo 4G + Sprint = WIN


Feb 24, 2011 by dsmmsd18

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I've had this phone for around 4 months now after switching from the PALM PRE, I must say out of Android phones, this is DEFINITELY the best android phone.

The EVO 4G is fully loaded, even after being released a while ago, its still at the leading edge of technology.

-Good Build Quality
-SPRINT (Best price and network around)
-Android OS(very customizable / a lot of Widgets)
-Super Large Screen and High resolution
-Excellent camera
-Bright Flash (good for a flashlight also)
-Great Call Quality
-Loud Speakerphone
-LED notification
-Kickstand is useful
-Front Facing Camera
-FAST!! everything operates very fast
-WiFi works great
-4G (where available although it really isn't much different from 3G)
-3.5MM jack

-Battery life could be better (if you know how to tweak Android it will last longer)
-$10 A month add-on for Sprint (still overall cheaper than any other carrier though)
-The overall phone size takes some getting used to

Overall this device is highly recommended. My next phone however would be the HP Palm Pre 3 (if it comes out for Sprint) not Android. I miss WebOS, Multi-tasking was unbeatable on WebOS. It would be nice if the iPhone 4 came out for Sprint Also, but I would still get the HP Palm Pre 3.

Don't get it!


Feb 15, 2011 by LadyMc

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In self classification, I'm a technology LOVER! The EVO came very highly recommended by the man that manages all of the phones for our business, come to find out as a result of this website, which has led me to write this review.
I got the EVO in 12/2010. Coming from a Blackberry, at first I thought the on screen keyboard was my problem, a user problem, that would just take time to get used to, but it just doesn't work well. If two incoming texts come in at the same time, the phone locks up. If the phone is in sleep mode, and it rings, the screen will wake up, but it won't let me answer it. I hard restart this phone at least three times a day. I would love to put pro's and con's about this phone in this review, but I can't think of one positive thing about the EVO, so I took it back to the store, and they aren't helping me.This is partially my fault. I kept it more than thirty days, before deciding that it was either a lemon, or a lost cause as a whole. I was too determined to figure out the problem on my own. My husband works out of the country, and one of the main selling points of the phone from the store was that it had a camera in the front, and I could use it to Skye with my husband.. He would call on Skype, it would show him calling, but not let me answer it. Then I found through research that Skype has an exclusive contract with another provider, and this isn't even possible. I realize the provider is not responsible for third party applications, and if I didn't before, I do now.. (sigh) but it was the main selling point for the phone! The problem with being a technology lover is that where there is love, I have now discovered the opposite is also possible.. I actually HATE this phone. I've never spent this much money on a phone.. the battery life is not good, we have to pay extra every month for service, and we aren't even in a 4G area, but most importantly it's just not dependable. IF it worked I would like the apps there's a pro.

Best Smartphone !!


Jan 7, 2011 by eddmond

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I just paid $110.00 to get out of my AT&T contract and buy this phone for $150.00, and I think it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. The iPhone 4 is a wonderful device, but the EVO is better. First, it's a better phone for making phone calls. It has not dropped a call once, while the iPhone 4 dropped calls more than the iPhone 3GS ever did. I was able to find all the applications I used on the iPhone in the Android market and then some. The Google Navigation on the EVO is so good, I no longer need my Garmin. The WiFi Hotspot feature is wonderful -- my kids can be on the internet with their laptops and I don't have to pay Comcast a dime! The HTC Sense UI is the best UI I've seen on a Smartphone -- much better than Motorola's MotorBlur or Samsung's TouchWiz. It's not as simple as the iOS UI, but that's because it has more capability and more features (like widgets and 7 customizable home screens). In fact, it can be customized to pretty much mimic any of the other UIs (including Apple's), but I wouldn't want to. HDMI output and an 8 megapixel Camera are also killer features. The battery life was atrocious, so I spent $30.00 for an 3500mh battery -- and now the battery life is phenomenal (after 12 hrs, I still have 50% of the battery left). The 4.3" screen is beautiful and great for watching TV and Movies. This phone is fast, very fast. With the extended battery life, this is a perfect phone, and in my opinion, the best value on the market by far; even with buying out my AT&T contract and buying a large battery, this cost about the same as Samsung's Epic 4G, but has more features. The only complaint I can imagine someone would have is that the phone is too big (and the bigger battery adds thickness and weight to the phone) -- but I think the large screen is worth the tradeoff.

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