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Sprint to Prorate ETFs, Improve Customer Service

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Nov 8, 2007, 9:41 AM   by (staff)

Today Sprint announced several new initiatives aimed at improving its customer service. Beginning Monday, November 12, Sprint customers who want to change the rate plan they are using will no longer have to extend their contracts to do so. Also, starting in 2008, Sprint will begin prorating early termination fees. Details of Sprint's new ETF policy won't be available until next year. Sprint will also place welcome calls to new customers, notify customers when they begin to incur large overage charges, and offer better discounts on new handsets for existing customers.



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Nov 8, 2007, 1:02 PM

Store reps are next

Ok, I work for Sprint, I am am replying to a store employee. You talk about what we do on the phone and how we hide behind our screens etc. I have to tell you, a lot of the reasons why people want to leave Sprint is because of store reps. Have you heard of Phantom Churn? That is when you open up a new line for people on their account and not tell them, so they have to call in pissed off and cancel that new line. All you care about is getting the sale, but you do not mention that they now have a new line, which changed their plan to a lines to chare, and gave them two contracts instead of just having one. This is a huge reason for churn. Also, store reps call up trying to cosch the customer to get what they want. How else do they know the nam...
First of all you are very rediculous if you think the stores cause this!!!!!!! Your phantom add-a-lnes are coming from sprints telesales. we get these in the stores daily.. This happens when a customer contacts retensions and they want to get a upgra...
OK, I have a HUGE problem with you already, mister hide behind a screen.

I have NEVER signed someone up for a phone, but your bloody call reps have signed me up for a phone without permission, and you guys have done that to my friend TOO. I'm a dea...
Boy howdy-- most store reps are clueless at my local store at least. But--what do you expect from entry-level workers/teens/chronicly unemployable otherwise... they've graduated from fast good onto cell phone stores.. sprints not immune to substandar...

Nov 10, 2007, 12:22 PM

Store Rep V.s: Cust Care

well what can i say i am a cust rep on a vendor site... i think cust care suck but i also thing store rep sucks...

why dose cust care suck...
well they are a lot of changes going on and since now we are focusing on 1st call resolution...
but its kind of difficult to leave a side a training where u only have 6 min per call to attend a cust many time its not that u don't want to help cust i mean u have an average handle time to keep in six min u have to greet the call understand, the need empathy with the cust and b careful if he is already mad and resole issue implement the call max value edu update acct (if necessary)...
(it might sound stupid) But Cust care rep are jut like youre neighbor.. many times its not that we want to be rushed...
WOW. I have to say I am appalled at the way sprint handles their customer service. I was a Sprint customer for years and changed when I started working for another wireless company and it baffles me that Sprint would just now be emphasizing first call...

Nov 8, 2007, 9:48 AM


Everyone knew this was coming....
first post!
๐Ÿ˜ข Aww...I wanted firsts. But, oh well.

Watch them add the following catchs:

-Only to new contracts.
-An increase to the ETF amount.
going to take alot more than these things to improve sprints customer service.they should focus on wait times. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Nov 8, 2007, 10:51 AM

at&t and verizon can learn something here.

i like the idea of sending customers a message about overage. that would make all of our jobs easier.
I agree. I also think this will be a great move for Sprint because they really do offer a good product but they need something that could help generate some good PR.
All carriers provide you tools to check minutes, data usage, and bill amounts on the phone. But, I will give Sprint the thumbs up for coming up with a pro-active idea.


Wow, I can't believe I jst said that.
AT&T and Verizon don't charge you out the you-know-what just cause you downloaded a text message. They don't charge per kilobyte for picture messages. These are what kills the customer, whereas overage on minutes (what AT&T VZ customers worry about) ...
Im sorry but its not the carriers responsibility to check YOUR minutes just supply them and vzw offers to let you know once your about to go over minutes whn you sign up for my account months before sprint offer this
FYI Verizon has a free minute check if you sign up for Myaccount
verizon wireless has been sending people messages when they are going over for years, its just not everyone gets a message every month due manpower issues taking all the calls.

Nov 8, 2007, 10:16 AM

Way to Go Sprint

Sprint is gradually improving. This is a great start to pushing for better customer service, I'm impressed!
agreed, definitely.
Sprint is all talk and no action!
I agree. I am sick of reading all of the negative posts from the fan boys. VZW may fall on some hard times...karma is beeyotch! ๐Ÿ˜‰
They have the most advanced network, best plans, best rates... add to that some quality customer care and you've got yourself one helluva company (and my name is sprintsukz..)

Nov 10, 2007, 12:03 PM

Store Rep V.S. Cust Care

well what can i say i am a cust rep on a vendor site... i think cust care suck but i also thing store rep sucks...

why dose cust care suck...
well they are a lot of changes going on and since now we are focusing on 1st call resolution...
but its kind of difficult to leave a side a training where u only have 6 min per call to attend a cust many time its not that u don't want to help cust i mean u have an average handle time to keep in six min u have to greet the call understand, the need empathy with the cust and b careful if he is already mad and resole issue implement the call max value edu update acct (if necessary)...
(it might sound stupid) But Cust care rep are jut like youre neighbor.. many times its not that we want to...
I really think you should try using Spell Checker before submitting any posts. There are many people on here who will criticize you for it otherwise.

Nov 8, 2007, 11:20 AM

Too little too late. This is why Costco dropped Sprint

FYI, I'm totally biased here, so say what you want.

Costco is a warehouse, not a cell phone seller, but they do sell nearly 1 million phones a year, and the Costco members here trust us to give them a good product. Sprint happens to have good coverage in the area that I work, whereas Verizon's sucks.

Now wouldn't it make sense that I would sell more Sprint? Well, I sold the same amount, nearly 45/55 in favor of Sprint. I get 3x as many returns on Sprint, and 99% of the time its because of customer service. The worst part of that is, here at Costco we take it upon ourselves to act as a Customer Service Rep. We will do everything for the customer to get their problems worked out. But you can only do so much... like spend nearly 18 hours ...
EddieT said:
FYI, I'm totally biased here, so say what you want.

Sprint needs to work on SSSOOO much more than CC, but they just don't see it.

But this is why Costco dropped Sprint. Because as a company, they have no idea ho
When did Costco matter?

You are absolutely INCORRECT in your statements.

God I love how people think they know the real deal and they just come off looking unintelligent and uninformed.
Too bad Costco does not sell phones. They only provide space for a 3rd party to sell phones in their stores. So your buying a phone from a 3rd party with Costco's return policy, which changed earlier this year.
working man

Nov 8, 2007, 8:04 PM

Sprint Announces New Programs to Deliver Better Customer Experience

When history ends I have no doubt whatsoever that Sprint will be remembered as one of the worst run companys out there. According to it's own press release today they talk about their "30 Day Risk-Free Guarantee" and "New For You Handset Upgrade" programs. These ARE NOT new but have been around for a while. Their handset upgrade program isn't all that great when you consider you get the EXACT SAME PRICE as the new guy off the street. Not to mention EVERY time you swap phones with a friend or whoever it restarts the equipment timer on your account. Let's say next month your up to renew and get the upgrade but your phone just died. A friend is nice enough to give you one to get buy. Guess what: You can kiss that upgrade discount goodbye for an...
Not to mention EVERY time you swap phones with a friend or whoever it restarts the equipment timer on your account. Let's say next month your up to renew and get the upgrade but your phone just died. A friend is nice enough to give you one to get buy....
"Not to mention EVERY time you swap phones with a friend or whoever it restarts the equipment timer on your account."

This has not been the case for a while.

Good try though.
Their handset upgrade program isn't all that great when you consider you get the EXACT SAME PRICE as the new guy off the street

Right, now compare Sprint's upgrade policy to other carriers. Hell, compare it to cable/satell...
The upgrade goes off the last time you got a rebate

Nov 8, 2007, 11:19 AM

has anyone seen nextel 18 lately

dude just disappeared.

maybe he is just busy.

im sure he would love to hear this news and then discuss it
Yeah, sometimes you wanna read the trash talk. Its fun!
nextel18 has a tendency to post a lot for awhile, then he drops out of sight for awhile.

He'll be back, more than likely.

Nov 8, 2007, 12:59 PM

credit where credit is due...

most of the individuals that have commented on this change in policy have had mostly negative things to say

but for once let's give credit where credit is due!

we all know sprint needed to make some changes pronto with the way they do business and i assure you they will have more to do in the future but hell they didn't just change one thing they changed 3 or 4!

on top of that they added 4,500 csr to the call centers (in america)

have a new line up of phones (just added about 4 phones)

are changing the reward program (hopefully the online or current new customer prices will now be the existing cust prices and new customers will only get $150)

these are all things we as reps get hollared at about on the phone all day and now...
Well said!
If Sprint changed every single policy they have, lowered all their rate plans by $10.00 per month, and came out with the best ads in the industry, folks on this forum would STILL be dogging them!

Too many fanboys!
I hope they get rid of my call center soon

Nov 8, 2007, 7:31 PM

I absolutely LOATHE Sprint, however...

I have to say it is a great thing they are improving. I had Sprint about 6 or 7 years ago. Had 3 different phones when I had their service. I hated it. Their CS sucked & their service was terrible. But I hear from people it is gradually getting better. I am totally for ANY carrier improving, regardless of how I personally feel towards them. Kudos...
Yeah thats true...at least since they got rid of the CEO, theyre being pointed in the right direction. Maybe old Gary was the salt over the shoulder for Sprint? ๐Ÿคจ

Nov 8, 2007, 12:27 PM

Companies Try to 1-up each other

This just keeps getting better and better for the customers of each carrier. Although they are probably afraid of the Wireless Bill of Rights that was trying to be passed. The competition and ideas on how to 1-up the other company keeps getting better and better.

15 day return policies get changed to 30 and even test drive with VZW.

Varible/Prorated ETF's now on all 4 majors

Problem with Sprint is that they have 7pm Nights and now these extra services that AT&T and Verizon do not, but is it enough to save them? I doubt the 2 Majors will do much to react to Sprint's new customer friendly ways as they have some services in place that will probably cost less then a Rep calling you all the time.
This was just a cheap way for sprint to make it look like it is trying to help the customer service problems.. You had to see this coming casue we always play follow the leader in this industry. If sprint wants to really step it up then lets see som...
This is why we don't need the Wireless Bill of Rights. It looks like the carriers are pretty much getting competitive with each other on how well they take care of their customers.

Nov 8, 2007, 11:59 AM

does it really matter?

That sprint got this late? I mean as long as they get it then thats all that should matter, right?

Nov 8, 2007, 11:17 AM


does nothing to address Sprints customers service issues. This is just them keeping up with the Robinsons. I am curious however to see what kind of "better deals" they will give existing customers on phones.
Me too!! I bet its more mail in rebates or some bs like that.. ๐Ÿคฃ
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