Hands-On: Google Nexus 5
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Design is actually pretty nice
Mine just arrived, I'd say the design of this phone is leagues better than anything Samsung made (especially the craptastic Note 3 with its nasty fake leatherette complete with crappy fake stitching) - the front end is a lot cleaner than the Moto X, the plastics feel nice (remember the HTC One X Similar feel?) , and there's none of the ergonomic screw-ups of the HTC One (power button) , it's very very solid.
We all know you don't like the Note 3. Big whoop.
Nov 4, 2013, 2:44 PM
Why no MicroSD?!
😲 This keeps happening with Nexus phones and other flagships, and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why a premium device would leave off expandable storage. Who wouldn't want storage for MORE photos/videos/music and be able to swap that over to a different device down the line easily?
Probably the same reason the iCrap does it, to force you to buy a higher capacity device. That is the number one deal breaker for me too.
The Nexus phones are not premium devices and they never have been. They are developer phones targeted at developers. They run pure vanilla android and represent the upper end of the middle of the road as far as the hardware is concerned. They are inte...
Probably because SD cards are unreliable and break easily. I was rooting a guys phone the other day and his SD card became unreadable. Then if you look up Galaxy and SD cards you'll see tons break down. No SD cards for me thanks. They suck.
Nov 7, 2013, 1:00 PM
The point everyone seems to be missing
Is that all OS's have fragmentation and that Android isn't really any worse than the rest of them. iOS has a similar level of fragmentation. Apple people just like to hide it in the charts. Windows is majorly fragmented with a significant number of users on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and various versions of Windows Server, not to mention the various patches, security updates, and Service Packs that exist for all of those. But you never hear anyone talking about it.
And then there's Linux(yes I realize Android is Linux), possibly the most fragmented OS - ever. And no one is complaining about it . In fact, fragmentation is the very thing that has made Linux both awesome and successful.
Heck the only significant OS I know of wit...
Well, let's look at some facts.
1) Linux (traditional builds such as Ubuntu, etc.) has practically no consumer desktop adoption. (Rightly so, desktop Linux has not kept pace with OSX and Windows.) Its penetration is limited to server applications. ...
in nothing about this phone, if i didnt pick up the iphone 5s and had planned on sticking with android this would be the only phone android to consider, touchwiz and htcsence are ok but they bog down the processor so much, the N5 is finally a android that can compete with Iphone in terms of fragmention and speed of OS, i am a big believer in manufacturer overlay on the OS is what causes %90 of the fragmention in andriod, my experiance with the pure google phones is that they dont seem to have that problem, look at the moto x even with a slower processor its benchmarks beat the S4, Note 3, and HTC one, because its pure google
I like what you did with the title there, and I agree. Pure Android is the way to go, and the only type of Android phone I'd consider buying. Happy with my Lumia, though. That's really a huge plus to WP8 phones: all of them are pure Windows, with no c...
I posted something several months ago showing why Android fragmentation is really no worse than iOS fragmentation, and also why it's stupid to talk about fragmentation on Smartphones in the first place.
The word "Fragmentation" is being abused lately. It has essentially been coined as an anti-android scheme by the same folks that brought the phrase "It just works." Much of this has been sheeple marketed into the brain cells of people.
The common m...
Nov 8, 2013, 3:05 PM
Also, why I don't think this phone is premium.
I just looked at the specs on the LG G2 for Sprint and it is equal to or superior to the Nexus 5 across the board, with the one exception that the Nexus 5 supports LTE-Advanced and the G2 does not. If LG has a premium flagship device right now, it's the G2, not the Nexus 5. But that's not to say the Nexus 5 isn't a capable and high-end device itself.
Speaker DOES NOT work
Phone arrived with a defective speaker. It plays no sound (no ring, no speaker phone, no music, etc.). Many people seem to be experiencing the same issue. Google is estimating that it could take 5 weeks to receive a replacement. I don't recommend buying LG phones (actually bought this to replace an LG phone) nor buying phones from Google Play.
I don't recommend buying any popular product the first day it is released. Sometimes they have major defects, and warranty replacement is slow because inventory is sold out. This is not unique to Google Play purchases.
I don't recommend LG either...
just checked with my newly activated sprint phone