With Verizons announcement today of their going the At&t route(GREED), I'm hoping that U.S. Cellular sees this more as an opportunity to expand and not exploit. This is a chance I think for U.S C to pick up disgruntled customers from the other "Big 2" with our value packed plans- including unlimted data! If ever there was a moment to start improving on that 6.5 to 7.0mil customer base this has got to be it. No matter how fantastic their arsenal of cutting edge smartphones are, why would you even consider going with Verizon or Att or any other carrier for that matter who is going to cripple your usage of the internet, while still PADDING THEIR POCKETBOOKS! Trust me they are not doing this for "a better experiance" for their customers". It's j...
We have something planned.
Does that something involve raising the price of data plans from $24.95 to $30? If so, no thanks!
Is $30 any different than Verizon or ATT on smartphone data plan? If it was more than other carriers then I can see complaining but our $30 plans now includes a voice turn by turn navigation program.
As far as this thread topic is concerned, I can say USCC in my experience does a decent job listenning to the frustrations of the cell phone industry. One company can't solve all issues or create perfect fixes for the problems but I do think USCC tries. Battery swap, overage protection, and mycontactbackup are a few things that come to my mind on ways USCC is trying to help with industry pain points.
FYI... AT&T has a smartphone data plan for $15. And if you are the average user, that is more than sufficient.
In response to 8091nafsbuc commenting about At&T having a $15 data plan and it being enough. Are you kidding? $15 for a measely 200mb`s of data? You sneeze or blink and you`ve used up 200 mb`s. Furthermore it's my contention that if your going to make an investment in the cost of some of these more premium smartphones its with the intention of wanting to use it for all its streaming, downloading, and surfing capabilities- that is after all what their designed and made for. Lets say for the sake of argument At&t is right about the avg consumer data use being small then why punish the slightly more moderate user and just not cancel the accounts of the abusers. This way they can "enhance the experience" of they're good customers without gouging...
I was merely pointing out the facts sir.
Also, you are suggesting cancelling customers with high data usage? You're kidding, right?
AT&T has it right. Charge an industry standard fee for the heavier users, but offer an alternative for the casual user.
30 bucks for internet on a phone is outrageously overpriced. Full internet in your home is usually 49 bucks and these companies think that 30 bucks is reasonable for a cell phone? On top of that US Cellular is capped at 5gb transfer whereas a landline is not. Throw in the fact that if you do happen to go over the 5gb US Cellular accuses you of tethering and warns you they will shut off your internet permanently even when you aren't tethering and it's a phone bug. Their techs just go "you're tethering" and won't listen even when you can show that your phone isn't hitting the net.
I can say that this is completely untrue. I've seen the amounts of data usage by someone tethering. I had to have the customer removed from our network because he was tethering without the proper package on his account. We are also with the industry STANDARD of 5gb data cap. Also, good luck taking your home internet with you when you're out running errands.
FYI, your wired internet also has a cap. Check it out...
With respone to 8091nafsbucs` comments about "industry standard"- What industry standard? At&t is the ONLY one charging the ridiculous fee! But I will agree with you that if you find it justifiable to keep paying more and more for "YOUR" usage please go right ahead. If not than please feel free to stop using your "smartphone"after the second or third day into your billing period and using say your cool iphone as an ipod or for calls, but as the full multimedia device that it was intended to be forget it-because it will be just too expensive to use, sorry just a fact.