POLL:How long before Tracfone gets 3g-enabled phones???
Tracfone has them...we just haven't earned them.
your prayers have not been good enough. you guys have really let yourselves go with the sacrifice and self-mutilation. ever see the picture of the monk who set himself on fire and burned to death without making a sound? he was rewarded in heaven with 4G, and that was 50 years ago.
I have fallen a bit behind, I'll start eating babies for two meals a day instead of just one.
as long as they are pure, meaning babies that do not yet have a cellular service provider.
The tracfone heavens shall shed new light very soon!!!!!!
Apr 6, 2006, 7:03 PM
FOOLS! You incite the WRATH of TRACFONE when speaking of this heretical "advancement of technology"! Does not Tracfone give you enough? TRACFONE does not trifle with such things as mobile data. TRACFONE moved from TDMA, wasn't that good enough? We all should be fearful. . .
you spelled tracfone wrong in your info. it currently reads tracphone. you will of course change it and disavow any knowledge of it, but it is true. tracfone hates you.
Apr 10, 2006, 11:23 AM
O Tracfone! I spelled thy name incorrectly, as MIKE3222 was so observant to point out! What an excellent band of brothers we are that one Tracfone acolyte will point out the flaws of another! But still I feel shamed! Do not hate me Tracfone! I bear my Nokia 1100 with honor. . . and I will (someday) refill my minutes.
if you refill with the highest cost per minute card, we'll forgive you. and we lovepointing out other peoples flaws, it's what we do.
I wouldn't jump to forgive this guy... he might have boost mobile.
Apr 11, 2006, 6:14 PM
Never Boost, m'lord! O, I HATE that spiteful evil that is Boost mobile! Tracfone is the ONLY prepaid for me! No Phone is mightier than my Nokia 1100! O great big blue prepaid deity, have mercy!
do you hereby renounce all afilliations with other providers, and commit your undying soul to tracfone, in this life and the next? will you sign an affadavit of servitude for the next 6000 years to the vengeful Tracfone?