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Using TracFone SIM in another phone?
I just bought a TracFone Motorola V170 online but really wanted to use the SIM in another unlocked phone. Reason I bought the V170 because someone on one forum said it was impossible to use another manufacturer's unlocked SIM in a TracFone. Now tonight I read a message on the Cingular side where a person broke his Cingular, bought a TracFone at WalMart (I think) put it in the TracFone and it worked. There wasn’t any other detailed info like calling customer service, etc. Is there a TracFone expert on here that can tell me what’s the real deal? I’ll probably be happy with the V170 (it’s backordered) but really want to use a Cingular Razr that someone is giving me that doesn’t have a SIM card.
Thanks for any kind of heads-up information I can...
v170 not good enough for you? I don't think Tracfone would this to happen
Excuse me. I meant I don't think Tracfone would ALLOW this to happen.
Apr 13, 2006, 10:48 AM
Tracfone's SIMs are different than other GSM SIMs, how exactly I don't know*, but I tried that - I got a Tracfone Nokia 1100, unlocked it, and the phone worked with my AT&T wireless SIM, but the firmware shut it off after the prepaid minutes were used, even though I had a differen SIM in there!
Likewise the SIM itself I tried in several unlocked phones, it always said "Invalid SIM" - the only phone it worked with was the 1100.
Dollars to doughnuts it won't work**.
* - Actually, I do: Tracfone is far too powerful for any mere mortal phone!
** - Because ALMIGHTY TRACFONE forbids it!
your latter statements via asterisk were correct.
you go to hell with your cingular razr! the v170 represents the highest of all cellular achievements! these include: 250 contact storage (on SIM only), 16 chord ringtones (who needs 64?), and, get ready for this one, a calculator! doesn't that just blow your mind? you can do your math while out about in your car, without carrying another device! why would you want something else?!
Praise be to Tracfone.
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