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i hereby retire as prophet of tracfone
tracfone has called me to be with him. the new prophet is... Protege! as he is the original s0lrac.
i thought this would cause a bit more of a stir.
Jun 25, 2006, 1:29 PM
Sorry, did you want us to organize some sort of parade?
is that asking too much of you? i suppose you don't have to, but what if tracfone didn't go out of his way for us? think about it. right now he's working overtime trying to roll out an awesome new feature for us. wrap your head around this one - real music ringtones. no more midi jingle!
Jun 27, 2006, 1:48 PM
Well, I knew that Tracfone would call his son to the Tracfonian after-phone-life eventually, but I assumed that Tracfone was ok with the hourly prayers and sacrifices. I didn't know Tracfone needed fanfare too. What the hell?
Sorry Tracfone, forgive me for questioning your ways.
even is they really are they same person nobody will replace the real s0lrac. 😢
i am???? 😲
i'll never be tracfone prophet... you can keep the job...
farewell. may tracfone be with you always
tracfone4all is the new official prophet since protege is a loser
I humbly except this most honorable position. I vow to spread the word of Tracfone and not to rest until all of mankind is brought into its network or they're all sacrificed.
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